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genbu_no_miko24 January 4 2024, 00:42:17 UTC
Hmm maybe, maybe not. Britney goes back and forth on a lot of things which is understandable given everything. So I don't totally take it to heart.

At this point if she did want to release she could probably drop albums without having to go out and promote if she wanted.

I wonder who Britney wrote for and who put it on their albums? 👀

Loving Artney.


xhurlyburly January 4 2024, 01:47:02 UTC
At this point if she did want to release she could probably drop albums without having to go out and promote if she wanted.

If Namie Amuro can pull it off in J-Pop via good song tie-ins to do the promotion, someone even bigger like Britney should be able to do it theory. But I think a component of Namie pulling it off is how she comes off as an elusive chanteuse because of how private she is, and I don't see Britney committing to Namie levels of privacy (e.g., staff controlled social media, not acknowledging/responding to rumors and tabloids, keeping family members/info out of public spotlight). That, and Namie has the advantage of Japan respecting celebrity privacy a lot more and not having to deal with Kevin Federline's publicity stunts (although Sam/Namie's ex-husband is also a piece of shit)

I wonder who Britney wrote for and who put it on their albums? 👀
mte I'm wondering if there is a Nils Sjöberg/Taylor Swift situation, although I'm guessing she doesn't want the attention from it if she isn't giving details


genbu_no_miko24 January 4 2024, 01:50:15 UTC
I was thinking of Beyonce because they're both TITANS granted Beyonce is the bigger one rn. But I could see Britney pulling off a self-titled drop but she's gotta give better bops cause the recents ones have been cute but lukewarm for me.

Britney ghostwriting really has me shook!


insomniachobs January 4 2024, 19:38:59 UTC
She's running out of ways to do self-titled drops, she's already had Britney and Britney Jean lol


sorryeden January 5 2024, 01:16:58 UTC
She should complete the trifecta with just Britney Spears


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