2023 in Review: 16 Dumb Things TV Did This Year

Dec 29, 2023 21:03

#2023InReview: 16 Dumb Things TV Did This Year https://t.co/CnTcSCm0x2
- TVLine.com (@TVLine) December 26, 2023


- Fox cancelling 9-1-1 and allowing ABC to swoop it up

- Dropping all The Bear episodes at once

- The Love Is Blind's Live Reunion stream not working

- HBO Max dropping the HBO from their name

- Ted Lasso not getting a forth

year in review, television

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Comments 87

xdeedots December 29 2023, 22:48:35 UTC
I haven't seen Ted Lasso s3 to know it does not need a fourth season, lol


cruel11 December 29 2023, 23:34:53 UTC
Lmao great icon


noodlecookie December 30 2023, 15:47:43 UTC
Same lol, I loved the first season but I've got a LOT to catch up on, clearly.


quinnmorgendorf December 29 2023, 22:50:15 UTC

Re: The Bear - I like that all of the episodes drop at once because the show is way too stressful for me to have to wait week to week to find out what happens, but I could see them changing it since it's become such a huge hit. Or maybe they'll do half and half, like Netflix.

I still call Max HBO Max or just HBO. Fuck you, Zaslav.

I still haven't watched Season 3 of Ted Lasso. I don't want it to sour my good memories of discovering the show during the pandemic.


justleilah January 4 2024, 05:46:42 UTC
Honestly think the take of dropping them weekly instead of all at once is ridiculous. It's literally what made Netflix/streaming establish its worth to begin with. Moving back to the TV/cable model is enraging, especially now paying more across multiple services for lesser content. If you want to slow down your own intake of the eps to weekly, that's your business and your own discipline; don't impede my ability to watch them all together by undermining full season releases.


ginainabottle December 29 2023, 22:52:08 UTC
The stream not working for Love is blind was a sign from the gods they should've just cancelled the live reunion idea altogether lol It truly showcased what an AWFUL host Vanessa is, Nick could at least string it along a little, but Vanessa was OTT and completely obnoxious without an ounce of charisma. Her obvious bias towards some of the contestants was bizarre to watch, and the way she kept pressuring the couples about babies was terrible, I'm glad Brett called her out.


hyperpop December 29 2023, 22:57:41 UTC
squandering what could have been months of discourse if new episodes dropped weekly instead of all at once

Get a grip, not every show needs or warrants MONTHS of discourse. Just let me watch at my own speed, damn!


kary1591 December 29 2023, 23:11:32 UTC
Plus, people seem to lose interest week to week. It’s a trend I’ve noticed. Binge whatever is out and fall in love, then watch week to week once you’re caught up and suddenly by two seasons of week to week watching, it’s just not as good anymore. Quality dropped. Which I guarantee would not be as much of a problem had they binged that season or the entire show instead.


hyperpop December 29 2023, 23:22:47 UTC
I’ve noticed this too, especially with the half and half method of dropping the first few episodes at once to get people ‘hooked.’ I understand the reasoning but nearly every time that happens it just makes the subsequent episodes feel like a slog because suddenly it slows down so much.


almostlawyer December 29 2023, 23:34:01 UTC
I feel like it's the other way around? They drop the season, everyone talks a bout it for a week and then they forget about it until the next season drops. Then you have shows like succession, euphoria or the white lotus that dropped weekly and they were hyped for their entire run (but these are also HBO shows so there is that)


lydzi December 29 2023, 23:00:18 UTC

Cancelling Lockwood and co was dumb as hell. It had so much potential. Netflix drives me mad.


picturemegone December 29 2023, 23:05:57 UTC
Damn it. I just finished Season 1. mte It had potential.


lydzi December 29 2023, 23:34:39 UTC
It was so good. I don't think they ever had the goal to continue it. If a show doesn't get stranger things status right away they don't care.


t_snake December 29 2023, 23:20:38 UTC
What??? I didn't know they cancelled it! Such a shame, it had potential.


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