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Comments 17

hellojeds December 26 2023, 12:23:10 UTC
Warning - I cried like a baby. Will miss this wonderfully funny and heartwarming series so much.


silverstarry December 26 2023, 12:51:37 UTC

I cried too! I understand why they chose to end the show this way, but it still made me cry anyway.

At the beginning of the final scene, I was afraid Alison was going to die so I was actually relieved to see the last few seconds.


tetrazzinichikn December 26 2023, 14:05:24 UTC
What happened? Did the ghosts all get sucked off?


silverstarry December 26 2023, 14:10:10 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]The ghosts told Alison it was okay for her and Mike to sell Button House. They moved away but came back every Christmas so Alison could visit them.


ahkna December 26 2023, 14:37:29 UTC

Such a beautiful, poignant, heartbreaking, perfect ending. It hurt but it was perfect.


tailzz0666 December 26 2023, 14:45:57 UTC
the ending wasnt what i expected or hoped for yet it was perfect and i miss it so much.

world please cast Lolly Adefope in eevery signle role


suki_yaki December 26 2023, 21:20:20 UTC
anyone have a link where I can stream this?


cuppaboba December 27 2023, 01:32:28 UTC
Will come back to watch this. I have watched the UK one on repeat and its a recent favorite of mine. One of my friends recc'd the American one; watched the first ep and it was not great. I'm hoping it gets better?


silverstarry December 27 2023, 02:08:45 UTC

I watched the UK version when it began airing so when the US version was announced, I was not interested at all. But several people on ONTD said they enjoyed the US version so I gave it a chance and I ended up liking it. The first few episodes have A LOT of similarities in the dialogue and plots, but once the US version started diverging onto its own path, I think it improved, partly because they were no longer trying to replicate the UK version and partly because they had different stories to tell. I enjoy it as a separate entity that's related to the UK version (like a second cousin, not a twin).


renegadewaltz December 27 2023, 23:20:50 UTC
Like the other user said, I like it for its own thing. I don't think it's as good, for me it's missing a little something, but it's enjoyable!

For example, I really like that they involve the husband a lot more - like his reactions to her talking to herself (from his perspective) and how it escalates. They do other things I don't like, though.


silverstarry December 28 2023, 02:47:39 UTC

I really like Jay's involvement with the ghosts on the US version. In the UK version, Mike is much more removed from the ghosts which is understandable since he can't see or hear them. But I really love how Sam tells Jay everything about the ghosts and has gotten to know them so well through her. On the UK version, it feels like Alison and the ghosts could be one show and Alison with Mike could be a separate show. On the US version, Jay is much more integrated into the ghosts' shenanigans which is really fun.


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