New pics of Jacob Anderson, Assad Zaman & Delainey Hayles in Season 2 of Interview with the Vampire

Dec 21, 2023 21:02

Assad Zaman and Jacob Anderson in ‘INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE’ Season 2.

(Source: @EW |
- Film Updates (@FilmUpdates) December 21, 2023

New look at ‘INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE’ Season 2.

(Source: @EW |
- Film Updates (@FilmUpdates) December 21, Read more... )

lgbtq film / media, black celebrities, television - amc, british celebrities

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siaht December 22 2023, 00:51:01 UTC
I'll be very honest I only care about Louis and Lestat, and I think I'll be disappointed because there isn't supposed to be much of them together in the new season, is there? According to the source material? I haven't read the books and I don't remember anything from the films but I'm going off what I've heard about it.


all_nighterr December 22 2023, 01:03:44 UTC
I think there will be plenty of Lestat in season 2. There is photographic evidence and multiple fan accounts of Sam filming in Prague, so I wouldn't worry about that. I mean, yes, the second part of the book covers the Armand and Louis relationship, but it's more complicated than that. [Spoiler (click to open)]In the book's second part, there are two instances of a Louis and Lestat reunion. Both are very angsty (due to certain book events I'm not spoiling) but very profound. First in Paris and second in New Orleans after the events of Paris. We shall see how the show deals with that.


siaht December 22 2023, 01:12:30 UTC
Ahh yes, I did glean that we would get a decent amount of Lestat in S02 but not of them together, so I def hope the show goes the way you explained 🥺


soul_amazinn December 22 2023, 02:30:25 UTC
They’ve already discussed there will be plenty of lestat. They know what fans want. 😂


siaht December 22 2023, 03:02:54 UTC
Ah for sure haha But I don't just want him, I want him and Louis being sf hot together like in S01 🔥


soul_amazinn December 22 2023, 10:03:09 UTC
Same lol but I have faith in the crumbs they will give us.


automaticpeople December 22 2023, 14:39:39 UTC
I mostly stuck with the show because Sam Reid is so good. I don’t even like the character, but Reid play a great part.


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