2023 In Review: The 12 TV Couples We Really Wanted (But Didn't Get) This Year

Dec 14, 2023 21:54

#2023InReview: The 12 TV Couples We Really Wanted (But Didn't Get) This Year https://t.co/jTP8MuIxj8
- TVLine.com (@TVLine) December 14, 2023

sourceTV couples TV Line would've liked to get together in 2023 ( Read more... )

year in review, television

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Comments 66

cruel11 December 15 2023, 01:02:31 UTC
Roy and Jamie fighting over Keeyle is the last episode was sooo dumb. Felt very forced and out of character


sweet_ali December 15 2023, 06:03:05 UTC
It was. Everything involving that pairing was mishandled in the final season. It was the only romantic pairing I liked and that seemed to work naturally and they messed it up for nothing :-/


kary1591 December 15 2023, 01:09:16 UTC
Sophie and Sid from HIMYF 🥹

... )


_scarlett_icons December 15 2023, 02:10:31 UTC
I think they were supposed to be endgame

I really got the feeling that’s where the show was going


kary1591 December 15 2023, 02:18:10 UTC
Same. I will die on that hill. They were definitely starting to hint at it before the cancellation.


crazyfreakyaj December 15 2023, 08:06:10 UTC
Why can’t someone fucking tell us?! WHO WAS THE GOD DAMN FATHER?!


khays December 15 2023, 01:16:20 UTC
I do not want Benson and Stabler together. Never have, never will.


irajaxon December 15 2023, 01:21:08 UTC
free benson from stabler already, my god


niyarav December 15 2023, 01:34:43 UTC
Maeve and Otis were terrible together. They should've just been friends but they don't seem like people who would even keep in touch after high school tbh


rallenta December 15 2023, 02:39:25 UTC
I literally did a double-take at them being on this list - who was rooting for them? They weren't even interesting together unlike the equally destined to fail Ruby and Otis. Writers need to learn that a telegraphed romance will never trump genuine chemistry. Though that's not to say to cater to the fans (cause they often are crazy), but pay attention to what is happening in the scenes at least and make adjustments if dynamics aren't working the way you initially thought.


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