‘Good Omens’ Renewed For Third And Final Season At Amazon

Dec 14, 2023 15:20

‘Good Omens’ Renewed For Third And Final Season At Amazon https://t.co/IeGDwMesaY
- Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) December 14, 2023
Michael Sheen and David Tennant are returning for a third and final season of Good Omens. Production will begin filming “soon” in Scotland, with Neil Gaiman continuing as executive producer, writer, and showrunner ( Read more... )

amazon, michael sheen, david tennant, renewal

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mathkills December 14 2023, 15:07:45 UTC
Is this show actually good / worth watching or is it a Tumblr fever dream? Also I hate Neil Gaiman's writing (but his stuff translates a lot better to screen imo)


dandyxwarhol December 14 2023, 15:13:02 UTC
The first season was really good imo. The second one didn't do it for me, but it was pleasant and the characters are cozy.


ahkna December 14 2023, 15:18:43 UTC

I was put off by tumblr in the first season but I recently watched season 1 and 2 and they're really good.

I feel the same about Gaiman.


euraylie December 14 2023, 16:16:41 UTC
I didn’t love the book and liked only parts of season one; but people said season two was better, so I might give it a try.


theburningdoll December 14 2023, 16:40:11 UTC
The book is worth it for Terry Pratchett. He was an excellent writer, really creative and funny.

I liked S1 okay, but it loses a lot of the magic bc imo Good Omens is a tough book to adapt to the screen. S2 was just bad (seemingly useless plotlines, nonsensical use of characters). Again, my opinion. Others love it. I think Michael Sheen does a fantastic job with his character; Tennant hams it up a bit too much.


yami_no_hoshi December 14 2023, 16:47:44 UTC
I think you may like the book even if you don’t like his writing. He co-wrote it with Terry Pratchett and it’s delightful imo


bodyline December 14 2023, 17:16:16 UTC
The book is more Pratchett than Gaiman, and for all the problems with Gaiman’s writing, the show does feel like he put a lot of love and care into it for Terry.


devopet December 14 2023, 17:34:59 UTC
I prefer to read Terry Pratchett books and watch Gaiman shows.

I found the show to fit well in the comforting side (season 2) but the stakes were much bigger in the 1st season + a LOT of characters to manage (and some of that was the nature of the book - Pratchett is a universe builder so sometimes the characters only get fleshed out after a few books).

For season 2 I personally think they wrote the plot after they figured out which actors they could afford to bring back + the bigger names and so the plot doesn't work as well but the actors do their best.

The heart of the show is with Sheen and Tennant which is what they focused on in season 2 and I suspect will do for 3.


squirrels_oh_no December 14 2023, 18:04:32 UTC
Season 2 has a lot of filler but it was nice filler. It just didn't 100% service the overall plot.


hellojeds December 14 2023, 18:28:38 UTC

I love Good Omens, it's one of my favourite books, but I don't like Neil Gaiman's writing at all. I actually read Good Omens first, and when I read Gaiman's stuff I was surprised how little I enjoyed it. It's very much Terry Pratchett.

I really enjoyed the TV series too, series 1 more than series 2. I usually avoid adaptations of books I like but Michael Sheen is brilliant. Agree with another commenter that David Tennant is over the top at times, but they have enough chemistry together that I forgive it.


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