Jennifer Garner’s "Quick as Possible" Beauty Routine | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

Dec 11, 2023 19:28

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"Nothing looks better in your fifties than sunscreen in your twentys!" Jennifer Garner doesn’t have time to “get fancy,” but she manages to achieve a radiant glow in six minutes flat. Watch as the actor talks about how her background in chemistry led her to hyaluronic acid, her sunscreen regime and how she learned to do her own makeup during the ( Read more... )

beauty / makeup, jennifer garner, actor / actress

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derevko December 11 2023, 19:34:29 UTC
she’s so pretty. I’m not really into the type of movies she’s been doing, but I loved Alias. I’ll need to rewatch its first two seasons


triggered December 11 2023, 19:42:23 UTC
I literally am at the end of season 2 of a rewatch. Dunno whether to continue even tho it goes off the rails


derevko December 11 2023, 19:48:57 UTC
I’d just pretend it ended there and we never know what happens next


insecuredesign December 11 2023, 22:31:19 UTC
Ughh there was so much potential with that ending too but they fucked the story and the characters up so bad. There are parts that really didn’t age well but damn if I wasn't obsessed when the show was on!


__onthebound December 13 2023, 00:43:11 UTC
she posted an insta for michael vartan's birthday. she was i think in austria or germany. she cannot figure out why she was wearing it but they were in the scene together.

i adored alias. everything from the superbowl episode and on are a different show. alias 1.0


insecuredesign December 13 2023, 00:47:30 UTC
I thought all of s2 was solid but s3 on was when things completely fell apart. The character assassination of Irina still pisses me off lol


__onthebound December 13 2023, 02:50:39 UTC
i know they'd pushed the rimbaldi as far as it could go without making it obsene. but the point of the superbowl episodse was to make the show more contained. too many long arcs dissuading people from the show. the first thing you see after the superbowl is jgarner in lingerie (looking un-fucking-believable) and the wrapping up of most things.

they still can't be forgiven for the memory loss, never explained time jump and poor melissa george. furtive phone calls in the CIA hallway?


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