Jennifer Garner’s "Quick as Possible" Beauty Routine | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

Dec 11, 2023 19:28

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"Nothing looks better in your fifties than sunscreen in your twentys!" Jennifer Garner doesn’t have time to “get fancy,” but she manages to achieve a radiant glow in six minutes flat. Watch as the actor talks about how her background in chemistry led her to hyaluronic acid, her sunscreen regime and how she learned to do her own makeup during the ( Read more... )

beauty / makeup, jennifer garner, actor / actress

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progression December 11 2023, 19:25:36 UTC
Those two photos side by side should be shown to every man who claims he doesn’t want a woman wearing any makeup. Dummy, you don’t want it to be noticeable - not for her to be barefaced.


bossm December 11 2023, 20:03:13 UTC
My male coworkers think that I don’t use any makeup even if I’m wearing a lot of blush and lipstick.


pseudonygma December 11 2023, 20:11:56 UTC
Idk, guys who loudly declare this always strike me as insecure assholes who put the responsibility of managing said insecurity onto their girlfriends instead of seeking therapy. Having a preference is fine but generally speaking, the good ones who feel this way won't need to voice it because that's the type of woman they'll go for.

The ones who won't shut up about it are more often than not guys like Jonah Hill who'll demand a woman change everything about herself in case other men are attracted to her the same way he was. Who's to say that that they don't trust other men to not assault her because projecting hard from being that type of person himself, or if he genuinely doesn't think of her as her own person with preferences and the ability to tell other men to back off.


progression December 11 2023, 20:19:32 UTC
I agree with all of that, but I also think a lot of straight men genuinely can’t tell when a woman is wearing a natural/minimal face. They really believe these gorgeous women just wake up with blurred skin, thick curly eyelashes, bright under eyes, etc. (of course there are people out there who are that fucking lucky, but they’re obv in the very tiny minority). I just know damn well they’d look at the pic of Garner wearing tons of product and go “why can’t all women not wear makeup!”

So, whether they’re insecure or just hate women, they’re also dumb af.


pseudonygma December 11 2023, 20:32:03 UTC
"they’re also dumb af"

That's fair too, lol. My mom still believes that no man should ever see her doing her make-up or skincare routine, which is weird since she's fine with my dad seeing her do her hair.


progression December 11 2023, 22:09:16 UTC
Omg my aunt is like that. As long as she’s been in my life she’s always had makeup on at like 5am - even when that meant climbing back into bed. For all of her pregnancies she refused to go to the hospital until she was done up. She’s only in her 50s.


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