Jennifer Garner’s "Quick as Possible" Beauty Routine | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

Dec 11, 2023 19:28

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"Nothing looks better in your fifties than sunscreen in your twentys!" Jennifer Garner doesn’t have time to “get fancy,” but she manages to achieve a radiant glow in six minutes flat. Watch as the actor talks about how her background in chemistry led her to hyaluronic acid, her sunscreen regime and how she learned to do her own makeup during the ( Read more... )

beauty / makeup, jennifer garner, actor / actress

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anus December 11 2023, 19:19:04 UTC
Next year I want to finally learn how to properly wear lipstick. It's the one type of makeup I always avoid because it seems so difficult. I've already saved a bunch of threads on reddit for tips.


justabwaybaby December 11 2023, 19:22:30 UTC
I have a ton of lipstick because I like it, but I'm never super comfortable wearing it because my ex didn't like it when I had stuff on my lips, then I ended things and it was a few months into covid so why wear lipstick if it's going to smear under a mask.... I think that's something I'm going to work on next year, as well.


ionadelfina December 11 2023, 19:26:18 UTC
All you really need is a lip brush to get a precise edges. You can apply the lipstick in 2-3 thin layers and blot with a tissue in between to get it to last as long as possible.


anus December 11 2023, 19:29:50 UTC
Good to know! I'm going to put that in my notes.

My two biggest concerns are that my lips are always dry as fuck and making the lipstick last because I will never reapply. When I've tried wearing lipstick in the past it's always looked like shit like 2 hours later 😂


bossm December 11 2023, 19:59:14 UTC
You need to find a lipstick that’s not so drying. I know it’s super hard because I also have dry lips. I use the color Paris from Dior in the satin formula. It’s not drying at all.


ionadelfina December 11 2023, 20:03:35 UTC
Maybe do a sugar scrub before bed and put vaseline on your lips? You can make a simple sugar scrub with just sugar and olive oil.


eisenberries December 11 2023, 20:30:08 UTC
i started to get back into lipstick recently and as a person with dry lips i really like this glossier one!

it's very hydrating and i like that it's buildable so i can decide to wear it very opaque or just a light tint depending on the rest of my makeup that day, plus it does leave a bit of a lip stain behind if you don't want to bother reapplying (which same lol)


theactualworst December 11 2023, 21:00:37 UTC
I’ve started using LaLa Leaf chapstick that’s organic and has CBD and it really moisturizes my lips without feeling like I need to reapply constantly. It puts Burt’s bees to shame haha. The red also has a really tint to it. I get compliments all the time.


lizrocks December 11 2023, 21:32:35 UTC
Idk if it's smart or recommend by beauty professionals or whatever but I just put on a chapstick before I put in my lipstick. It glides on smoother anyway. And in the rare times I put on lipliner I do liner, then chapstick, then lipstick.


maryjanewatson December 12 2023, 12:51:10 UTC
there's two ways you can go abt it, you can either wear the long lasting, but drying, matte/liquid lipsticks that won't fade or come off unless you eat something greasy, or go for the more hydrating, balm like lipsticks that will fade naturally throughout the day and fade ~gracefully~ which is what i do.

and seconding doing a lip scrub, or even just wetting your lips or applying vaseline on them, letting that sit for a bit to soften the dead skin, and take a damp washcloth and *gently* rub over your lips.


lanrek December 11 2023, 20:16:45 UTC
also keep in mind that you don't have to wear lipstick the same way everyone else does! I personally like a more natural look so I just place some lipstick on my bottom lip then use my finger to dab/blot it on the rest of my lips, giving me color but keeping it sheer. then use lip gloss for more shape and shine.

if I try to put lipstick on using full max power it looks like utter garbage on me, so you just gotta find what technique works for you


mary_pickforded December 11 2023, 21:51:27 UTC
There aren't any rules, you choose the way that works for you! Some women apply it in multiple layers and blot, some wear it with lip liner underneath or just outlined, some put it on in their car mirrors, some apply it with their finger, some use it right from the tube, some carry a special brush. There are all kinds of formulas, creams, oils, balms, etc. Just have fun with it and do what makes you feel good! :) Makeup should be fun, an extra thing like buying a Ferrari for your face.


anus December 11 2023, 22:06:42 UTC
Love this! When I had a very brief lipstick phase I started off with lipstick from Mac and my lips always look terrible after a few hours. I'd walk around thinking I looked like hot stuff, then go to the bathroom and see that only thing remaining was a thick line of residue. I was so embarrassed I think I was too scared to every try again. 😂


mary_pickforded December 11 2023, 22:10:56 UTC
Haha I've been there! It's amazing how different the formulas can be, and you learn quick with makeup that price doesn't always correlate to quality. I've worn lipsticks from Maybelline that were better than my lipsticks from Saie or Glossier. Lately, I've been into tinted lip balms from Burt's Bees. Really moisturizing, only like $5 a pop, and great pigmentation! My lips get dry too if I don't have something on them. Hell, my skin too! 😂


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