George Santos Movie In Works At HBO Films From ‘Veep’ EP Frank Rich

Dec 02, 2023 23:19

George Santos movie is in the works at HBO Films from ‘VEEP’ EP Frank Rich.

- Film Updates (@FilmUpdates) December 3, 2023
HBO Films has optioned the rights to Mark Chiusano’s new book The Fabulist: The Lying, Hustling, Grifting, Stealing, and Very American Legend of George Santos, which was ( Read more... )

film, veep (hbo), latino celebrities, politics

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Comments 52

skyler_white_yo December 3 2023, 16:44:49 UTC
Santos is what happens when people are conditioned from birth to vote for a particular party.


gillenvillain December 4 2023, 02:29:29 UTC
the fact that no one in the GOP or the DEMS bothered to vet this asshole... jfc.


soul_amazinn December 3 2023, 16:44:56 UTC
I think this could be interesting but at the same time I hate that this man is getting the attention he craves. He would probably love this and that is upsetting


ohwutevernvm December 3 2023, 16:48:59 UTC
Was about to say this is absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary but I’m all for it if it trashes him in every possible ways to the point of no return for him. Like, in the most extra Diavolo infinite death loop realness!


syphilisdiller December 3 2023, 16:51:08 UTC
as a rule, i'm against giving attention-seekers the attention they crave, but his scamming is so insane...i want to see this


ladychips December 3 2023, 16:51:39 UTC

im torn because i would love to see something from the producer of those two shows, but i also dont want to give george any attention because you know this narcissist will interpret any attention as a positive. what he deserves is to fade into irrelevancy


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