Grammy “nominated” singer almost booted from flight for not shutting up

Nov 14, 2023 10:52

Bobbi Storm, the Grammy-nominated gospel singer was nearly booted off a Delta flight when she refused to stop performing her new single.
She insisted was just her “doing what the Lord is telling me to do.”

There’s a time and place for that
Bobbi is obnoxious
Don’t be like Bobbi
- Lepicky (@LepickyOfficial) November 13, 2023
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jesus take the wheel, who asked for this, music / musician (other), nobody

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sweetwaterlane November 14 2023, 04:28:38 UTC

I wish they would've kicked her narcissistic ass off the flight. He was too patient with her and she's delusional and should not be trusted in the skies.

The satisfaction I get seeing people like this put in their place. You can tell she's used to talking down to people like Tabitha in service all the time and getting away with it.

TikTok by @bigbeezz


genbu_no_miko24 November 14 2023, 05:03:49 UTC
Tabitha was not the one lol!!


chll51 November 14 2023, 12:02:46 UTC
Fuck around and found out Tabitha was not the one. Imagine screaming at a baby. Like bruh. Yes, crying can be annoying but they're babies. They literally just got their brains.


wirepatch November 14 2023, 12:55:30 UTC


champagnemami November 14 2023, 19:54:22 UTC
Also like… you’re screaming and having a meltdown at a baby meaning you’re a full blown adult and can’t regulate your emotions, but expecting a baby to regulate theirs.


libre_m November 15 2023, 23:41:02 UTC
I'm always amused when adults carry on about a baby, just like a baby.


chll51 November 16 2023, 04:13:22 UTC
The point literally go over their head...


gillenvillain November 16 2023, 04:22:40 UTC
Little kids and babies... they're LITTLE. They don't know or care. Yeah, it can be annoying but damn. It's a kid. Now if the kid is running amuck and the parent is giving zero fucks then I'm angry at the parent. Most parents of a fussy child feel horrible for everyone else on the plane. They don't want to be hated.

Grown-ass fucking adults need to be kicked off the plane for being obnoxious assholes.


chll51 November 16 2023, 07:48:16 UTC
Yess like kids behave as well as parents have taught them. Some can be more rambunctious than others but if parents don't give 2 fucks then obviously, the fault lies with them. Like snap at parents, not the kids who are literally kids and are still trying to learn how to regulate their emotions


toxic_illusion November 14 2023, 13:25:17 UTC
I’m traveling with my 8 month old in a couple of weeks I’m not mentally prepared to have someone yell at my little dude.


misscrystal25 November 14 2023, 14:57:30 UTC
We took our 2 year old on a family vacation and the airport was the most stressful part (thinking about him getting lost). He behaved well on the plane and really only made a fuss during the parts where he had to wear his seatbelt. Fortunately, no one said anything (he wasn't the only kid on the plane). It's scary but you'll make it!


toxic_illusion November 14 2023, 15:12:35 UTC
We traveled when he was 3 months old and he was an absolute rock star. But now he's more awake and more vocal and loves crawling and moving so idk idk. And I lost my silver status so no more special treatment :((((


sweetwaterlane November 14 2023, 15:51:41 UTC

maybe there's something you can do to prepare if the air pressure bothers his lil baby ears. IIRC that can be really painful for young children. I still remember when I was flying as an elementary school kid how my ears would pop a lot and hurt. My mom had those seaband bracelets and we'd try chewing gum, which sometimes helped.


slinkydinks November 14 2023, 14:47:25 UTC

The level of disrespect when addressing the flight attendant by name, followed by the immediate backpedal once the consequences started coming. And look: I hate crying babies on planes. But that's just what babies do. It's only when the parent doesn't do anything to mollify their child that I'm like, okay, this is ridiculous, but even then I usually won't say anything and just stew the rest of the flight lol.


tigermilk November 14 2023, 15:16:20 UTC
Tabitha whipping around with the immediate “I want this lady off of my plane.” Yessss queen of the fucking skies.


ginainabottle November 14 2023, 16:34:29 UTC
lmao the 180 this pathetic bully did once Tabitha handed her ass was so fucking satisfying <3


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