Grammy “nominated” singer almost booted from flight for not shutting up

Nov 14, 2023 10:52

Bobbi Storm, the Grammy-nominated gospel singer was nearly booted off a Delta flight when she refused to stop performing her new single.
She insisted was just her “doing what the Lord is telling me to do.”

There’s a time and place for that
Bobbi is obnoxious
Don’t be like Bobbi
- Lepicky (@LepickyOfficial) November 13, 2023
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jesus take the wheel, who asked for this, music / musician (other), nobody

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theactualworst November 14 2023, 04:20:49 UTC
Why are people losing their damn minds on planes these days??


strangelittlex November 14 2023, 05:00:10 UTC
I realized this year that I am no longer afraid of the plane crashing, I am scared of the people on the plane with me. Not terrorist activity, but shit like this singing or screaming about demons or whatever the fuck that lady was doing a couple months ago. Or those that have to be restrained by duct-tape.

I guarantee you, it's all people taking medicine or drugs to help them fall asleep or relax on a plane. They need to TEST IT WEEKS BEFORE DEPARTURE. Not the day of!

I was just reading that the pilot that tried to down the plane from the jumpseat was coming off a 2 day mushroom bender. The fuck.


bostongirl2003 November 14 2023, 05:10:05 UTC

new fears unlocked!


ty November 14 2023, 05:23:43 UTC
Imma throw alcohol into the mix of reasons here


rubie_dubidoux November 14 2023, 05:28:30 UTC
Ok so I’ve seen the pilot mushroom thing explained differently, that basically for some people taking mushrooms can trigger a psychotic break - like it wasn’t so much that he was coming down from the initial high, the high was long over


likeanunmadebed November 14 2023, 14:25:43 UTC
I'm usually afraid of the maskless people coughing away at the gates and hoping they're nowhere near me. Also asshole men.


slinkydinks November 14 2023, 14:42:42 UTC

The pilot was using psylocibins to self-medicate severe depression. He was grieving a friend who died and was afraid of seeking mental health because the FAA tracks it. It's a huge negative feedback loop issue.

Same thing is true of physicians. So it's like, you want pilots and doctors who have no mental health issues, but you punish them for seeking treatment of mental health issues. Got it. So now we have pilots and doctors with wildly unchecked mental health issues. Fantastic!


martymcfly85 November 14 2023, 16:08:07 UTC
There is a pilot I follow on tiktok and he had his license revoked because he sought therapy one time like decades ago while he was in the military. He tried to fight it, work with them, get paperwork to show them but they wont let him fly anymore and he did nothing wrong.


slinkydinks November 14 2023, 16:12:12 UTC

That's so fucked up.


chll51 November 16 2023, 07:49:57 UTC
Wtf. Can he sue them? Because literally what backward way of thinking is this bs


martymcfly85 November 16 2023, 15:00:28 UTC
I have no idea. I mean, this was a major airline. He probably could but does he have the money to do it, probably not.


gillenvillain November 16 2023, 03:54:39 UTC
I worked for an airline and honest to God, people just stfu/stfd and do what the damn flight crew tells you.

Congrats on the nom but gurl, I don't wanna hear you sing on a fucking flight. You just want hits on your IG.


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