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Actors may have won the battle against AI for now, but animators and artists may still be in the trenches.
Cartoon Brew (and the video):
In the good old days, when I made an animated movie, it took 500 artists five years to make a world-class animated movie, [...], I don’t think it will take 10% of that three years from now."
When asked about the creative aspect, Quibi Creator said; “I think that is still gonna come from creativity. Of individual creativity… You can have access to all of this knowledge; it’s your ability to prompt it that actually produces a result. So prompting is, in fact, going to be a creative commodity across many different aspects of storytelling.”
"It's a tool" - yes, but the issue is with people like yourself, who will use this tool to get rid of artists.
src Next year,
The Animation Guild is renegotiating their contract. Just saying.