Cher might have kidnapped her son to keep him from his wife

Sep 27, 2023 15:24

#Cher reportedly hired four men to kidnap her son Elijah Blue Allman, court documents claim
- ET Canada (@ETCanada) September 27, 2023
- Cher has been accused of hiring four men to kidnap her son, Elijah Blue Allman, from a New York hotel room in an effort to stop Allman from reconciling with his estranged wife ( Read more... )

fail, celebrity children / siblings, music / musician, slow news day

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oneeyedjuliet September 27 2023, 13:34:42 UTC
Maybe I'm just assuming shit, but this reads like Elijah Blue has a drug problem and Cher was trying to keep him away from enablers and get him to rehab. Don't know what to think, on one hand I get doing desperate things to help your kid, on the other, he's an adult and can make his own choices; there's only so much you can do for him if he doesn't want to get clean.


peddlestools September 27 2023, 14:24:55 UTC
that's the impression I got


ahkna September 27 2023, 15:46:31 UTC

Yeah, the part about spending the last 12 days together in a hotel room felt very loaded.

But I totally agree, I feel great sympathy for everyone involved in these situations.


myselfdestruct September 27 2023, 16:34:53 UTC
I would have loved to have a family member care enough about me when i was going through addiction, does that sound weird? When I hear stories like this, I feel a weird envy that I never had a family member do something batshit like this to help me.


glitterslugs September 27 2023, 18:52:03 UTC
no i know what you mean. i'm being serious when i say i would have NOTHING rn if my family didn't basically control me for a good year to hold me accountable while i was trying to tackle my addiction


suki_yaki September 27 2023, 22:13:07 UTC
I think he had a cocaine problem for a while but looks like he relapsed.


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