Hasan Minhaj Apparently Just Made Shit Up

Sep 15, 2023 16:34

In his comedy, Hasan Minhaj tells harrowing stories about experiences he’s faced as an Asian American and Muslim American. This week, Minhaj acknowledged, for the first time, that many of the anecdotes he related in his Netflix specials were untrue.https://t.co/uVqMov8L7K
- The New Yorker (@NewYorker) September 15, 2023
In a New Yorker investigation ( Read more... )

hasan minhaj, comedy / comedian

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dadom88 September 15 2023, 23:47:03 UTC
Definitely not defending him, this is vile, but I honestly just assume all comedian stories are fake...I thought that was just a given.

I mean, comedians literally make up vile shit about their families all the time.

The only comedian I believe is Kathy Griffin...mostly because I want all of her stories to be true.


ripqueequeg September 15 2023, 23:53:15 UTC
I think, for me with this, there's a difference between fluffing something up to make it funnier and then straight up lying about a "racist" encounter bc he's mad a girl didn't want to go out with him, which has led to years of harassment towards her


dadom88 September 16 2023, 00:02:36 UTC
I'm kind of inclined to believe the story though? He only admitted to him finding out that she had another date days before, but maintained it was because of the parents.

All the other lies are no worse than any other comedian.

I would 100% believe a desi man over a 90's white girl with racist parents.

This is not a hill I'm going to die on though. I just feel like OP and people in the comments didn't actually read the article.

I say, having only read the article after my first post. haha


sabrina54 September 16 2023, 00:34:48 UTC
Have you read the article ( ... )


dadom88 September 16 2023, 00:42:10 UTC
Honestly....The last sentence basically sums it up. White comedians have been embellishing on stories of their white experience for centuries. I see no problem with a brown comedian doing it.

And I certainly don't care for the perspective on it being told by a white journalist. Especially considering there are an abundance of white comedians that she could have carried this theme with.


sabrina54 September 16 2023, 01:34:29 UTC
Wow, what a trash take.


bluestoplights September 16 2023, 01:06:26 UTC
Everything I recapped was from reading the article.

I saw his routine where he told these stories in person. Idk why you're coming for me when I didn't lie lmao.


dadom88 September 16 2023, 01:21:26 UTC
Sorry, I honestly wasn't coming for you. I just felt like the recap didn't include where he implies that he's not lying about this particular thing.

Maybe I'm just cynical because I've heard so many men and women imply that they won't date someone because of their race, sometimes even outright say it, especially with brown people.

I'm just inclined to believe him in this scenario.

All the other lies...I honestly don't have a problem with.


bluestoplights September 16 2023, 01:39:49 UTC
She married an Indian man. And Hasan himself says:

"She told me that she’d turned down Minhaj, who was then a close friend, in person, days before the dance. Minhaj acknowledged that this was correct, but he said that the two of them had long carried different understandings of her rejection. As a “brown kid in Davis, California,” he said, he’d been conditioned to put his head down and “just take it, and I did.” The “emotional truth” of the story he told onstage was resonant and justified the fabrication of details. “There are so many other kids who have had a similar sort of doorstep experience,” he said."

After he said she rejected him day of because of racism. And then she proceeded to get hate for that. And he basically told her to hide on social media.


the4thjuliek September 16 2023, 10:10:10 UTC
I'm Indian (from India) and I would be very suspicious of anything an Indian man says, tbh.

Hasan complaining about this girl being racist is unfortunately something I've seen so many times. Indian men (regardless of their nationality) are incredibly entitled and many of my white female friends have had bad experiences with guys who've accused them of being racist because they're not interested. These days, I just tell my friends to avoid Indian guys.


kerosene_pill September 18 2023, 18:58:47 UTC
unrelated but idk who your icon is but he gorge!


the4thjuliek September 18 2023, 23:38:42 UTC
It's my underrated fave, Lars Stindl, a German footballer.


2_on September 16 2023, 00:14:29 UTC
idk if you read the article but if you haven't you should, it goes into this a lot


dadom88 September 16 2023, 00:19:28 UTC
yeah I did, admittedly after my first comment as mentioned above, but I feel like OP left out the part where Minhaj admits to making stuff up...but not this. He only says he embellished that it happened on the night of prom, but maintains the rest.

Which, IF the case...I honestly don't really see the problem, and kind of makes me side eye the New Yorker for choosing Minhaj as the "expose" as opposed to every other white comedian that have been lying for decades.


2_on September 16 2023, 00:28:13 UTC
i meant more if and why this is different from other comedians fabricating or embellishing stories. i thought it was some interesting discussion.

i wish the journalist had given more info about her side of things because it's a little ambiguous. she says they were just friends and she turned him down, but was it because of her racist family? or was that part of hasan's lie?


rihaty September 16 2023, 00:47:29 UTC
I mean what are examples of other comedians lying that are this egregious/have ruined someone’s life? If he wanted to tell the prom date story he at minimum could’ve just not used her picture if it was a lie? There’s a big difference between lying and embellishing for effect and… that.

And generally I think there’s a big difference between lying about hate crimes and violence against you and embellishing about your childhood for comedic effect.

Also clearly women have complained about it being a hostile work environment, saying “white men do it too” doesn’t mean any of it is right.


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