Tomato, Tomato! PR Firm has been manipuplating Rotten Tomatoes scores for years

Sep 06, 2023 10:20

A PR firm has been manipulating the Rotten Tomato scores of movies for at least five years by paying some “critics” directly. Truly depressing stuff here by @LaneBrown
- Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) September 6, 2023

  • PR Firm Bunker 15 pays obscure, self published critics who are still somehow tracked by RT to be positive about ( Read more... )

film, scandal, pr

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haymitch September 6 2023, 16:08:13 UTC
i actually measure the audience score against the critic score to decide on movies that i’m on the fence for lol


picturemegone September 6 2023, 16:11:22 UTC
I do love when there's a huge score difference between the audience and critics.


bodylikemind September 6 2023, 16:30:17 UTC
but even that is manipulated, the article talks about that like how they make you verify you bought a ticket but who is going to rush out to see something the first weekend? diehards and people that have probably already bought in


haymitch September 6 2023, 16:45:33 UTC
oh definitely! i actually read the reviews people leave lol i figure (mostly) only people who have seen the film will take the time to write a review.


bananasnrum September 6 2023, 17:04:42 UTC
Most people do this! I don’t really know anyone, outside of my filmgoing circle, who cares about RT beyond the audience score


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