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Comments 119

teddy_sinclair August 22 2023, 14:20:14 UTC
i mean she still looks amazing, but her recent face work needs to settle or something


xdecadentx August 22 2023, 14:45:07 UTC
She looks better now than she did at the Friends reunion thing so I think this is an improvement.


phililen3 August 22 2023, 14:20:34 UTC
My parents are not people whose relationship I idolise either.

I want love, support and communication. And great sex. Can't forget that.

I've been dating/getting to know this woman since maybe April/May. We live in the same city but it's still a bit of travel between us. Add in the fact that she works extremely long hours... Things aren't going at the speed I want, but I'm not going to rush her. I really like her. She's been really great so far. She loves so much of what I love and we have been able to talk openly about a lot of things. But I do worry that the speed that things are going, I'm going to lose romantic interest in her. I wonder if I feel this worry because I rarely date due to being extremely picky.


heroicattempt August 22 2023, 14:31:48 UTC
There's something beautiful about taking things slowly that you don't realize until much later. Maybe that's the speed she needs. I'm a hopeless romantic so I hope you don't give up and something magical blooms.


godrevypoint August 22 2023, 22:15:28 UTC
I’m currently in an almost identical position, except I guarantee I see my partner less. We RARELY see each other because of his work hours and I often worry that we just aren’t progressing enough and it’s never going to go anywhere. Even broke up with him once and we still ended up back together because despite all the other external factors, we like each other and make each other happy. I think the fact that I kept comparing our relationship to other peoples and when they met certain milestones was messing me up.

All this to say relationships are all different, move at different paces, and the worst thing you could do is try to compare it with anyone else’s timeline.


puramierda August 22 2023, 14:26:12 UTC
yeahhhh my parents have been married for 40 years and while they have their sweet moments they've never had the kind of relationship where i thought 'i want that'. for example they have terrible communication skills, and while that's something i can pinpoint in myself and work on, it feels like a handicap.


kary1591 August 22 2023, 20:43:30 UTC
I was just thinking about this not too long ago. My dad was the typical old school marriage guy who never carried a newborn because he was scared he’d “break them”, never changed a dirty diaper or gave a baby a bottle, didn’t do any chores, didn’t cook. He provided money, food, and a roof over our heads and expected my mom to be grateful for that ( ... )


eaemilia August 22 2023, 21:44:39 UTC
That's how I feel about my parents. They have a partnership, but I don't remember a time where I ever really felt that they parents were romantically in love. They were never very affectionate with each other or even with my brother and I, and I definitely feel that it has affected how I interact with others. My mom and I were talking recently, and she all but admitted that they didn't have that kind of marriage which wasn't a surprise to hear, but still felt weird to know it's a fact and not just my suspicion.


sweetwaterlane August 23 2023, 03:32:54 UTC

this is why i don't coo over long term marries like so many people do. "my grandparents were married 60 years!" like, ok, but how many of those were happy? It's wonderful if someone has a long term relationship or marriage AND it's happy, but so many people spout off the length of their or their parents'/grandparents' marriages as if they're synonymous with a fairy tale. In reality, so many people stay together for reasons other than being happy.


xellabelle August 22 2023, 14:30:22 UTC
I don’t know how to explain this but the content of this interview and these photos are like the same as every other magazine interview she’s taken part in the last 20 years


goldenhera August 22 2023, 14:33:58 UTC
Because her marriage to Brad, split from Brad, and the subsequent fallout are still tabloid fodder. There's a reason why when Brad and Angelina split the tabloids were racing to insert Jennifer into it. Also, and this isn't a dig, she hasn't done a huge amount of high profile/award winning work since Friends so the split and her relationship status are the hottest topics for the media.


marsdiamonds August 22 2023, 15:18:45 UTC
Every look she wears on the red carpet, hair and make up is basically the same for the last 20 years too.

But that's her appeal.


bluestoplights August 22 2023, 16:43:30 UTC
Really a case of being suspended at the age you became famous


rainbows_are_ok August 22 2023, 14:37:09 UTC
I realized recently that I have never seen a healthy relationship up close. My parents have a loveless marriage and my mom is selfless with me and my siblings but really selfish in her marriage, my aunt married for money and openly hates and cheats on her husband, One family friend that's like an aunt to me has been married 4 times and is in the process of a divorce now. Relationships are hard and they are even harder if you didn't grow up seeing one that actually works.


xtinkerbellax August 22 2023, 14:51:35 UTC
I've seen very few, even among friends/peers. Healthy relationships exist but I've never been privy to a view where they're the norm.


eatmydustbinns August 22 2023, 15:43:58 UTC
Same. All the ones I saw growing up were considered "successful" because they never divorced, but there was always 1 doormat and 1 narcissist. I didn't meet relatives with actually healthy marriages until I was almost 20, but they live on a whole other continent and by then the damage was already done to my psyche. My survival instinct is always to trust no one because they're out to scam you.


aleksie August 22 2023, 15:52:46 UTC
I'm so tired of successful relationships being ones where people don't break up.


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