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https://t.co/656ZqxxUcx- The Mary Sue (@TheMarySue)
August 14, 2023 Spider-Man: Lotus, a 2-hour fan film that cost over $100,000, was released on Friday. The film was causing chaos before it was even released and its getting worse.
- The film's director, Gavin J Konop, basically made the movie out of spite because he hated the MCU and Jon Watts.
- Gavin, his Spider-Man (Warden Wayne), his Green Goblin (John Salandria) and his Mary Jane (Moriah Brooklyn) have all been outed as racists.
- Leaked texts have been released stating that John Salandria was grooming a young girl, that Gavin knew about it, and did nothing.
- Sources behind the scenes are sharing that Gavin and Warden forced Harry Osborne actor Sean Thomas Reid, 19-years old at the time, to consume alcohol and drugs, which then turned into an abuse problem.
- Another message leaked where Warden talked about Titans' Teagan Croft -- 14 when the show first premiered -- in a sexual manner.
- A scene from the script was leaked last year that contained a Fu Manchu reference. The scene stayed in the film intact.
- Numerous people who worked on the film asked for their names to be removed from the credits. They weren't.
- The film itself has been trashed on a technical and story level. Viewers are calling it a cheap-looking and depressing. The film spends a good amount of time where Spidey trauma dumps on a child with terminal cancer.
- The film has been completely removed from Letterboxd.
More to come, I'm sure.