Don't Worry, Paris Hilton's Luxury Vacation Wasn't Ruined By Maui Wildfires

Aug 14, 2023 10:48

Paris Hilton and family seen frolicking on Maui beach as wildfires rage
- New York Post (@nypost) August 14, 2023
Nearly 100 people are dead, with casualties likely to rise even higher, in Lahaina and the surrounding area of Maui due to deadly wildfires. on Wednesday, the authorities instructed ( Read more... )

eat the rich, paris hilton, news / news anchors

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potter_lover456 August 14 2023, 16:37:08 UTC
The write up from the NYP is weird. I believe she's there when she shouldn't be and her stories are all about Hawaii which can read as damage control.

But all the photos shared are from her trip to Greece? I just went to her Insta to see the callous caption that would have to accompany such sunny Hawaii vacation photos and it's all Greece.

I'm using an ad blocker so it's possible I didn't see it, but every caption in their writeup that describes their frolicking had an old photo with it?


muffintiem August 14 2023, 16:45:32 UTC
I hate this absolute ghoul of a person and everything they represent, but yeah, I saw the same--the NYP video accompanying the story has no actual proof she's in Hawaii, she's posted some stuff on IG stories with reposts to links to orgs, but that's it

If she's there, she shouldn't be, no one wants her to show up for a photo op at a shelter


potter_lover456 August 14 2023, 16:54:41 UTC
Yeah, I had no intention of defending her when I went to her Instagram because I also don't like her.

I'm sure she is there because her publicist didn't deny it. And, like you said, there is no reason for her to be there physically. Send money but that's it.


sandstorm August 14 2023, 16:47:41 UTC

Huh, you're right.


frejasface August 14 2023, 17:25:33 UTC

... )


potter_lover456 August 14 2023, 17:34:01 UTC
Sorry! I just like my rage bait to be organic.


sashwizzled August 14 2023, 19:16:33 UTC
The images are on the Daily Mail website. They are definitely pictures of Paris, and she is definitely on a beach. I don't know if paps have reached a point of just talking close-up images of a celebrity in one place and claiming they're in another completely. It doesn't feel possible in this day and age.


potter_lover456 August 14 2023, 19:29:32 UTC
Thank you! You're right, the DM is low but they're not that low.

I should clarify that I found two things odd:

1) the photos having captions like "Paris in her blue cover up" but then having old photos attached. Looking at the DM article, it's like they pulled the text but maybe didn't have rights to the photos?

2) the pink bikini photos that were posted made it seem like she was posting sexy bikini photos from Hawaii, which clearly many people even here thought. Those photos are from her in Greece.

I don't want to appear like I'm defending her. I just take issue with the presentation of the information from the New York Post.


ty August 14 2023, 23:23:16 UTC
Glad people are being nice to you. Sometimes people here still attack


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