Timothy Olyphant Reflects on Losing Captain Kirk Role in ‘Star Trek’ Trilogy

Aug 11, 2023 07:55

Timothy Olyphant Reflects on Losing Captain Kirk Role in ‘Star Trek’ Trilogy https://t.co/sZF4TeXeaH
- The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) August 11, 2023

Olyphant was asked about losing the Captain Kirk role in 2009 Star Trek films to Chris Pine.

“Here’s what I can tell you about Star Trek: I went in and auditioned not for Captain Kirk, but I remember reading with J.J. Abrams and he’s just a lovely, lovely guy. And just a lovely audition process. Somewhere in there, I was auditioning for Doc, he’s like, ‘I already got a guy for Doc, so I don’t need you for that, but I don’t have a Kirk.'”

There could’ve been a chance he could’ve gotten the part, there seemed to be a goal to hire “somebody younger” for the Kirk role.

“I believe it was one of those things where it’s like he might have been prepared to hire me, but they wanted somebody younger, and he [Abrams] was having a hard time finding somebody younger. And somewhere along the line, J.J. called and said, ‘I found a guy, younger, who’s really good.'”


chris pine, podcasts, star trek, casting / auditions
