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scriptedending August 3 2023, 19:10:02 UTC
Of these, I really wanna see Passages... hoping to get to it this weekend!

Just saw Talk to Me last night. It was pretty predictable as far as horror movie plot beats go, but it had a great, tense atmosphere, and I liked the performances. And ngl, I could absolutely see people fucking with something like that and filming it for TikTok or whatever irl, lol.

I left a little underwhelmed bc of all the hype, but the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. And it definitely gave me some trouble sleeping! I was stuck in a bit of a rut where every time I started falling asleep, I'd start dreaming about the room [Spoiler (click to open)]turning black and only being able to see someone lit by a candle and then my mind would start to zoom in toward the person, then I'd wake up startled... repeated that several times. I had to close my eyes at several scenes because I am a wimp, but jesus, the foley noises really had you right there with them even if you weren't watching. It was an interesting strategy to go so hard on every sound!

We've got a bunch of movies coming up, which I am so excited about!! Tonight is Oppenheimer... finally finishing Barbenheimer, albeit much later than initially planned. Then Saturday is MI: DR, then Sunday is maybe a double feature of Theater Camp and Passages? Or maybe only one of those + Call Northside 777, because it's a Jimmy Stewart movie I haven't seen yet playing on the big screen, and I don't wanna miss the opportunity! We'll see.


little_vienna August 3 2023, 20:02:13 UTC
The sound design in Talk to Me was so interesting. Even the little things like getting hit with a pillow was like WHOMP. I'm glad I saw it in theaters for that reason alone tbh.


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