Lizzo accuser Arianna Davis praised singer after alleged incidents

Aug 03, 2023 16:44

Lizzo Accuser Sang Her Praises After Alleged Harassment Incidents Occurred
- TMZ (@TMZ) August 3, 2023

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dance / dancers / choreography, lizzo

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violue August 3 2023, 18:05:52 UTC
and???? i kept having a situationship with my rapist for years


likegunfire August 3 2023, 18:34:14 UTC
what broke you out of the cycle?


violue August 3 2023, 18:45:48 UTC
i'd like to say it was personal growth and realizing my own worth did not need to be tied to this asshole that was never that into me, but the truth is he went to prison for ten years for sexually abusing a minor and only just got out last year.


likegunfire August 3 2023, 18:49:02 UTC
omg that's awful, i'm so sad you had to put up with this shit :( but i'm happy you're open about it here bc this is definitely something a lot of people keep hidden


bellwetherr August 3 2023, 19:00:58 UTC
ugh fucking same i look back on that time and feel so much fucking shame


msloserrific August 3 2023, 19:22:07 UTC
I've been in that same position and IDK if this helps, but I try to remember that my past self was doing the best she could with the tools she had, and that may have been the case for you also. The only person who should be ashamed is the person who harmed you. You are not to blame for this. <3


bellwetherr August 3 2023, 20:27:30 UTC
ty that is a really nice way to look at it!! <3 <3


babyyoda August 4 2023, 03:26:26 UTC
You’re not alone, it took me awhile to realize my now ex husband was sexually abusing me when I was married. I stayed with him for years


bellwetherr August 4 2023, 03:32:53 UTC
i am so sorry bb it really is so hard to break free from and i am so proud you were able to!!


babyyoda August 4 2023, 03:49:50 UTC
You can too, I still struggle sometimes but time and therapy has really helped. I hope you’re getting help so you can stop feeling shame, no one should sit in that feeling for too long


bellwetherr August 4 2023, 03:51:35 UTC
i'm in therapy now and we're getting there! plus my husband is such a deeply loving and caring person he's helped me move on so much


for_serious13 August 5 2023, 19:32:46 UTC
Same, he would take advantage of me while I was on sleeping medication. I only found out after waking up one morning in pain and bleeding and when I asked if we had sex last night he told me yeah, I looove ambien sex. I dated him for like 4 years after that and didn’t even really accept it as an issues until the bill Cosby stuff and talking to other ontders in the post. I still struggle with calling him a rapist


babyyoda August 6 2023, 20:29:50 UTC
Oh wow that’s exactly what happened to me my ex would have sex with me after I took sleep meds it too ontd telling me this was rape to understand


for_serious13 August 9 2023, 01:32:21 UTC
I’m so sorry that happened to you as well. I hope you’re in a much better headspace, and the past doesn’t come up for you very often


babyyoda August 9 2023, 02:10:00 UTC
Thanks! The site will not help me out so it’s pretty frustrating they decided I’m the site troll and I’m like what? I have Been on therr for years and here as well and I have never trolled the online communities I’m part of. It really sucks :(

Edit totally replied about a different topic sorry!! I am doing better in these regards yes!!


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