Carly teases tracklist of "The Loveliest Time" with a crossword

Jul 19, 2023 11:18

Once upon a time I was the answer in the New York Times crossword puzzle. A true career highlight. My father and I thought I had peaked. I wanted to retire or throw a party and since I forgot to do both things instead I just waited for the chance to make my own. Crossword puzzle…
- Carly Rae Jepsen (@carlyraejepsen) July 18, 2023
Carly Rae Jepsen, most cerebral of pop stars, adored by us True Intellectuals TM, knows that a mere common tracklist is not challenging enough for us! We need proper stimulation to tide us over until the release on July 28th aka next Friday. Therefore she has shared with us a crossword teasing the 13 song titles!


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carly rae jepsen, canadian celebrities, music / musician, music / musician (pop)
