Marina Opens Up About Tiring Illness: ‘It’s Been Hard to Remember What Healthy Feels Like’

Jul 13, 2023 11:17

Marina opens up about her recent chronic fatigue syndrome diagnosis
- Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) July 12, 2023

Singer Marina revealed on Instagram that she's been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome.

“I’ve had symptoms like deep fatigue, numbness, tingling, brain fog, rashes, insomnia and a feeling of being ‘poisoned’ for so long it’s been hard to remember what healthy feels like,” she wrote.

“My baseline energy has been at 50 - 60 percent for a long time. Aside from a few periods of remission, the last 7 years have consisted of relying on adrenaline and willpower to push me through each day.”

Marina writes that she suffered a flareup two months ago that included “shooting pains and burning sensations all over my hands, legs, and back.”

The good news is that Marina says she's feeling better now than she has in a long time. “My energy levels are around 65 - 70 percent most days and the dips I have are shorter.”

With more healing, the sooner Marina believes she can return to her creative life.

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marina and the diamonds, health problems
