Pop Culture Food Round Up: Introducing The Real Cheeseburger with 20 Slices of Cheese, No Meat

Jul 11, 2023 18:56

“This week, the Thai operator of the fast food chain introduced what it calls the ‘real cheeseburger,’ a bun filled with as many as 20 slices of American cheese.”

CNN reports: https://t.co/Jk1X8fvAHY pic.twitter.com/pnDWpi3b4h
- Pop Base (@PopBase) July 11, 2023
Burger King is causing a stir in Thailand with its new offering: a burger with no meat ( Read more... )

who asked for this, food / food industry, warner bros, #barbie, viral, come to brazil

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jemgirl90 July 12 2023, 04:12:45 UTC
IDK how to embed instagram posts

I made a post since I saw Brazil do something simalier when I was looking it up.

I tried to tag you for credit but it may not have worked.

How to embed Instagram under the spoiler cut.

[Spoiler (click to open)]

1. select the post and highlight the url in the address bar.Pick Select all and copy

2.You will need to open another tab and pick post to Ontd. Pick the 6th icon from the right that looks like a video camera and paste the URL in the box. Make sure the From another website option is picked.

3.Highlight copy and paste.


blackrose July 12 2023, 04:53:34 UTC
Can you do an ONTD original plz on how to make posts like this cause I’m a forever lurker from the Olden days and I never made a post because I’m too scared of fucking up/not knowing the right code for stuff. I want my posts to look cute too. 😂


jemgirl90 July 12 2023, 21:33:29 UTC
Can you do an ONTD original plz on how to make posts like this cause I’m a forever lurker from the Olden days and I never made a post because I’m too scared of fucking up/not knowing the right code for stuff. I want my posts to look cute too. 😂

Sure! I worked retail and never learned beyond the bare basics of internet stuff, so I learned through trail and error over the years, but as a visual learner a 1,2,3 step explanation would have made things much easier.

I will have how to make a post using Twitter, Instagram, Youtube sources on a laptop and phone (Youtube was extra confusing on a phone for me) how to make a cut, how to upload pics( that is hard for me because of the size the pics may come up i the post, that is why always preview)

Anything you can think of just comment. I may have to make 2 post, but it would be the same day and probably between tomorrow or Saturday.

It is so much fun once you are comfortable!


blackrose July 14 2023, 11:29:15 UTC
That would be SO INCREDIBLE! I always want to make a post but the fear of not doing it right stops me. I wanna contribute to the community as it’s literally been my haven for more than 15+ years 😬. I don’t wanna age myself but fuck it, we are all old ladies/men by now. Might as well settle in and accept our fates. Haha.


pseudonygma July 12 2023, 08:07:02 UTC
How do you get the comment box to look that like? I only see the full editor/formatting panel when I make a post, not when I comment.


jemgirl90 July 12 2023, 21:19:34 UTC
How do you get the comment box to look that like? I only see the full editor/formatting panel when I make a post, not when I comment.

I have two tabs open.

Like when I commented to you using your comment in Italics, I select reply o your comment. copy and paste your comment, go to the post to ontd option in another tab, make it in Italics ,copy it and paste it in the reply box. I am making a post so this instruction will have pics.


pseudonygma July 13 2023, 01:41:56 UTC
Oohhhhhh... that's smart! I know the html codes for itatics and bold by heart but anytime I wanna do anything a bit more complicated in my commenting, I have to google it because I haven't done any web dev for too long.

Thanks for the tip! :D


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