PSA: The Feel Free drink discussed on the podcast contains addictive chemicals that act on opioid receptorsby
u/btmc in
IASIP OP mentions: "On this week’s episode of the podcast, the guys discussed Feel Free, a drink that they’ve been trying recently that, they said, “makes you feel a little bit high.” That high comes from the herb kratom, which contains the alkaloids 7-hydroxymitragynine, mitragynine, and mitragynine pseudoindoxyl. These compounds act on opioid receptors in the brain and have similar effects to more well-know opioids like morphine. They can be dangerous in combination with other drugs, especially sedatives, and they can be addictive. People who have developed an addiction have said that the symptoms of withdrawal are similar to Vicodin withdrawal."
Some users' responses:
- "Glenn mentioning this in between 2 conversations about how health-focused and well read on health he is, is fucking crazy"
- "Its a kava drink. Very dangerous to drink alcohol with since it makes your kidneys and liver work very hard. They should really google things...."
- "The confidence with which he [Glenn] spews bs too is pretty amazing. Don’t eat vegetables, drink Kratom"
Another user has also issued a PSA...
Guys please don’t try the “Feel Free” shots Rob and and Glenn talked about, they’re very addictive. by
u/AskMeAboutMyTie in
IASIP This OP mentions: "I’ve seen this brought up a few times since last week’s podcast. The shots Rob was talking about that he said 'got him high,' should be avoided at all cost. They contain both kratom and kava extracts, which feel a lot like opioids when mixed. The withdrawals are a lot like opioids too. You especially DON’T want to mix them with alcohol like Rob said he’s doing every night."
Some user responses:
- "I don’t listen to the podcast but are you telling me Rob openly said he takes fucking Kratom every night ? (Sometimes with alcohol!?!) Although Kratom is nothing like taking a serious opiate, if you take a good amount it can definitely be somewhat stimulating xsedating like mild painkillers and def act on the same neural pathways as opiates/opioids. As people said, the real problem is actually becoming dependent / addicted to the product even though the most severe high is not gonna make you become a dope head zombie looking fiend."
- "Tbf the advert was specifically saying to use it as a replacement and i believe it was Glenn who said that he had been, with Rob mixing it with alcohol."
- "It wasn't an ad read. Glenn and Rob both gave the drink glowing reviews based on personal use and disclosed no sponsorship. Love the show, love the guys, but they definitely casually recommended kratom to listeners."
3 Mods, please let me know if I screwed up on formatting on the cut 😅.