During her Vegas show last night, Adele tells her audience that she's attending the tswift Eras tour in August and that she might see them there.
pic.twitter.com/brKa7BsKv3- The Swift Society (@TheSwiftSociety)
June 19, 2023 Back in March she told fans who were going to the eras tour that she was jealous and wishes that she were able to leave the concert to attend too.
@Adele shows
@taylorswift13 some love during her residency as the Eras Tour arrives in Vegas
pic.twitter.com/CxPd6FndWT- ▶️ (@presspplay)
March 25, 2023 Ontd, would you skip your job for a concert?
https://twitter.com/TheSwiftSociety/status/1670718826651197442/ https://twitter.com/presspplay/status/1639620512958521346