Amy Schumer on Ozempic

Jun 10, 2023 07:57

#AmySchumer admitted that #Ozempic wasn't "livable" for her
- ET Canada (@ETCanada) June 10, 2023
- Ozempic injections are typically used to help Type 2 diabetes patients with weight management, however, many Hollywood stars have spoken out about using the drug in order to slim down ( Read more... )

amy schumer, slow news day, health problems

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loveumbrella June 10 2023, 07:29:42 UTC
yeah and as much as i understand the pressure to have a certain body type... when you fuck up your health for good doing these things... will you think that "ah but at least for a second i looked like THAT!"? probably not.


poisonapple73 June 10 2023, 09:09:58 UTC
Seems like a lot of people are losing their gallbladders from it. As someone who does not have their gallbladder (for non Ozempic reasons) that sounds...not great to me. You don't appreciate it until you don't have it anymore.


cricket June 10 2023, 12:17:50 UTC
What problems have you been struggling with post-cholecystectomy? Mine had to come out because it was causing all kinds of havoc but I do feel my doctors and surgeon really downplayed the issues you can get from no longer having a gallbladder.


poisonapple73 June 10 2023, 22:18:36 UTC
I have pretty severe reflux after- it seems like it might be bile reflux, not acid reflux, though they are not sure. [Cut for grossness]The severe diarrhea I had for the first six months after surgery is better, but it's not gone, and when it's got a lot of bile in it it burns like hell. I can eat more dairy now (very weird) but I really struggle with vegetables. I can't eat raw veggies any more, especially not lettuce.

What did you experience? I know a lot of people who have had theirs removed and had GI issues, but the foods that are triggers seem to vary a lot. One friend of mine swears by kimchi and pickles to help regulate her system without a gallbladder, but if I did that the reflux would kill me.


winter_lace June 11 2023, 08:22:15 UTC
Just butting in here but everyone I've spoken too has the weirdest variations in what foods they can and can't eat post gallbladder removal. I cannot eat raw alliums or cooked tomatoes and I'm sensitive to spice (heat wise) now. But someone else I know can't do fried foods without getting really sick and another has had to cut out most dairy.


poisonapple73 June 11 2023, 22:23:39 UTC
Yeah I expected fried foods since that's what they typically tell you, and overall they don't bother me! No raw veggies sucks as a vegetarian ☹️

I'm really sorry you can't eat raw alliums, that's so frustrating!


cricket June 11 2023, 15:01:08 UTC
Ahhh I've also ended up with bile reflux! The docs kept prescribing PPIs which didn't help because lowering stomach acid actually makes the pain from the bile worse (apparently? I keep getting all kinds of conflicting information) and it was only found to be bile-related after two endoscopies. I kind of had it under control for a bit but now it's coming right up into my throat now so I have to sleep on a huge wedge pillow and am waiting for yet more tests 😒 Like you, I've also found that I can eat more dairy now, despite being very lactose intolerant in the past! My big problem seems to be carbs at the moment and I'm basically bloated the second I eat any. I actually didn't have any ✨diarrhea✨ until about 6 months-post surgery which is annoying because I thought It'd got away with it lmao

I've tried kimchi and all the probiotic stuff but anything acidic, vinegary or fermented causes hellish heartburn.


poisonapple73 June 11 2023, 22:25:56 UTC
I'm so sorry about the carbs :( I'm at the other end of the spectrum, where I eat more than I want to because they're safe foods for me- but that makes me super aware of what building blocks for a diet they are. It's got to be very hard to do without them.

With you on the wedge pillow! My nutritionist also suggested putting books under the end of my mattress to prop it up but I haven't tried that yet. I hope they'll find something that works for you- it's really hard to live with the reflux.


carminaburana June 10 2023, 12:47:17 UTC
Kind of OT but it feels like there’s an epidemic of women getting their gallbladders removed (the stats are startling). And it seems like kind of a radical surgery and doctors aren’t spending enough time studying how to prevent it from getting to that point in the first place.


crystalzelda June 10 2023, 13:07:42 UTC
Any rapid weight loss, meds or not, puts you at risk for gallbladder stones and potentially gallbladder removal. There’s no evidence that GPL1 agonists like Ozempic put you at a higher risk in and of itself for gallbladder issues, it’s the rapid WL that does that.


kjesta June 10 2023, 20:54:38 UTC
what counts as rapid weight loss? i've lost 10kg since the end of february, not via any dieting or calorie counting or anything, but idk if that counts as fast.


crystalzelda June 10 2023, 21:34:16 UTC
It depends on your initial size, but 10 kg in approximately 3 and a half months is decently a good clip - looks like you’re losing about 3 kg a month, and 1 kg a week is at the top of end of the recommended weight loss average (1 to 2 pounds a week, or .5 to 1 kg). Obviously if you were smaller to begin with that’s more concerning.

That being said… are you trying to lose weight? I know you said you’re not dieting or counting calories. If you’re not intentionally trying to lose weight and the weight loss is thus unexplained (any other changes in your activity, appetite, cutting out sugars or something?), 3 kg a month is a LOT in that context and may be something you want to check with a doctor to see if everything’s going ok with your hormones and thyroid.


kjesta June 11 2023, 06:44:39 UTC
i've been having a cholesterol scare and my doctor encouraged me to try to lose some weight along with moving more etc, started at 110kg. so it is intentional, but i have a history of disordered eating via bingeing on snacks etc, so mostly i've just tried to leave out the binges multiple times a week and started exercising moderately a few times a week, nothing crazy, just dance class and going to social dances. i think i just had so many extra calories from those excesses that cutting that out (barring one slip-up a few weeks back) is doing a lot without making much effort otherwise rn, i don't want to count and measure everything bc i htink that way lies obsessiveness.

my thyroid is a bit of an underachiever always and i'm taking thyoxin for it, getting my next check up in july.


delleve June 10 2023, 16:19:21 UTC
Yeah. My coworker was taking it for weight loss and then boom her gallbladder had to be removed soon after taking it.


wakeupem June 10 2023, 19:51:43 UTC
My surgeon told me I might have some mild discomfort with certain foods. I basically cannot eat dairy or anything with too much oil now with SEVERE GI distress.


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