Pitchfork critic reassess low rating for Charli XCX's Vroom Vroom EP

Jun 08, 2023 22:20

Music critic Laura Snapes expresses regret over her 2016 Pitchfork review of Charli XCX's ‘Vroom Vroom’:

“Charli was ahead of her time, leaving me gratefully eating her dust.” pic.twitter.com/bbQU6JNX8K
- Pop Crave (@PopCrave) June 8, 2023
Context: Back in 2016, Laura Snapes listened and reviewed Charli's Vroom Vroom EP. She gave a low rating of 4.5 ( ( Read more... )

magazine covers and articles, music / musician, charli xcx

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britneys June 9 2023, 04:04:14 UTC
I'm not exaggerating when I say Vroom Vroom made me completely change the way I view music. 90% of that was SOPHIE and her way of approaching sound.

Also, I think Charli is right in her feelings. I never liked Pitchfork's opinion on pop music and it's been so annoying that they keep re-evaluating their reviews on pop records they were wrong about.


genbu_no_miko24 June 9 2023, 04:23:58 UTC
"I never liked Pitchfork's opinion on pop music and it's been so annoying that they keep re-evaluating their reviews on pop records they were wrong about."

Comments like these are why I did the post! I never followed pitchfork but I've heard the criticism on here in the last few years of them suddenly~ re-evaluating a lot of pop or maligned artists.

Part of me is like is it because you genuinely "get it" now OR is this covering face?


drunkard June 9 2023, 05:36:17 UTC
Pitchfork is truly the worst at reviewing pop music. They have given Taylor Swift albums better reviews than Amy Winehouse's Back to Black. Egregious.


heyignatzmouse June 9 2023, 13:24:56 UTC
I was gonna say the same thing about their high reviews for taylor being why I can’t take them seriously.


itsme_eloise June 9 2023, 06:21:14 UTC

i found SOPHIE's music during quarantine and it literally changed my life. i devoured everything i could find and the thought of going to a gig kept me going during hard times. i was devastated when she passed but now it's like, how lucky we are to have experienced something like that in the same era when a groundbreaking artist was alive.


kirensauce June 9 2023, 19:01:30 UTC
Yea I got into her right after she passed


noodlecookie June 9 2023, 08:17:11 UTC
MTE Pitchfork are permanently stuck in the edgy-teenager phase and will rarely ever look up at pop music, so their criticisms hold no value for me. SOPHIE was a revolution.


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