Pitchfork critic reassess low rating for Charli XCX's Vroom Vroom EP

Jun 08, 2023 22:20

Music critic Laura Snapes expresses regret over her 2016 Pitchfork review of Charli XCX's ‘Vroom Vroom’:

“Charli was ahead of her time, leaving me gratefully eating her dust.” pic.twitter.com/bbQU6JNX8K
- Pop Crave (@PopCrave) June 8, 2023
Context: Back in 2016, Laura Snapes listened and reviewed Charli's Vroom Vroom EP. She gave a low rating of 4.5 ( ( Read more... )

magazine covers and articles, music / musician, charli xcx

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swissbeauty23 June 9 2023, 04:02:15 UTC
Music is so weird like. It's fascinating how we can literally hear the same thing differently in different contexts, moods, points of our lives, etc.

I'm always so interested in it as someone who listens to music nearly constantly.


glitterslugs June 9 2023, 04:03:44 UTC
i've just gotten into music again and it's so much fun now that we have spotify to find pretty much anything, but i find that because there's SO much it's hard to really obsess over one album for too long before you find sometthing else


bruxelles June 9 2023, 15:47:10 UTC
yeah, I got back into music a few years ago and it's great to have everything so easily available but because there's so much I want to check out I tend to listen to an album once and move on to the next. When I was younger I basically just had whatever I bothered to download for my iPod so I revisited songs and albums a lot more because I only had access to a limited amount of music.


tomelette June 9 2023, 06:46:20 UTC
"I'm always so interested in it as someone who listens to music nearly constantly." Do you mean as part of one's job? Because if I'm not watching something or having an intense conversation with someone, I'm listening to music.


swissbeauty23 June 10 2023, 01:12:57 UTC
nah just in general! I listen to Spotify/my Ipod/iTunes almost all day


tomelette June 10 2023, 09:45:05 UTC
There's a quote from the book Warm Bodies. The narrator is a zombie with a conscience and the way the music is described is always my favourite description of music.

"Music is life! It's physical emotion - you can touch it! It's neon ecto-energy sucked out of spirits and switched into sound waves for your ears to swallow."


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