Wes Anderson will begin filming his 13th movie later this year

Jun 07, 2023 08:12

Wes Anderson will begin filming his 13th movie, starring Michael Cera, later this year.

(Source: https://t.co/NLQnp3rNUo) pic.twitter.com/E4akiBOFXP
- DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) June 7, 2023

Most importantly, however, the article does mention that his adaptation of Henry Sugar will be on Netflix this fall, and the cinematographer for the ( Read more... )

film director, michael cera

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luvthatdrtywata June 7 2023, 13:38:39 UTC
I watched Wes' first two movies - Bottle Rocket and Rushmore - and that's it. I'm happy for people who like them but his brand of quirky makes me physically recoil. I have a weird visceral reaction to it. The first two were like the perfect amount of quirk for me. Does anyone who has seen the rest know if any of his other movies fit the mold of those two?


squirrels_oh_no June 7 2023, 13:44:52 UTC
My fave of his is The Royal Tenenbaums but it's probably quirkier than those two. Not nearly as quirky as some of the later ones.


sandstorm June 7 2023, 13:46:44 UTC

I've only seen Fantastic Mr. Fox, Isle of Dogs (ehhhhhh errrr no) and Grand Budapest Hotel (which I enjoy still).


you_hermit_crab June 7 2023, 19:12:32 UTC
I went to see Isle of Dogs on a date, and the guy fell asleep during it but still had the audacity to argue with me afterwards about how it was very good and I just "don't get" Wes Anderson lol.


littleorcs June 7 2023, 15:36:45 UTC
His best movie IMO was Fantastic Mr Fox since the tweeness kinda fit the stop motion and plus the characters were all animals so it made sense. On the other hand it feels jarring to me to see live adults acting the way they do in his movies otherwise cos it tends to feel unnatural and also almost too cutesy to stomach


luvthatdrtywata June 7 2023, 16:41:15 UTC
For some reason, I find Fantastic Mr. Fox so creepy. I probably wouldn't if I just watched the movie but everything I've seen creeped me the hell out, and since I'm not an animation fan in general I stayed away.


januarysix June 7 2023, 16:01:56 UTC
the two that I like most are Royal Tenenbaums and Moonrise Kingdom. I kinda like Rushmore but not that much, I haven't seen it in years. I tried to watch that French newspaper one of his and found it boring.


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