Shannen Doherty announces cancer progression

Jun 06, 2023 23:39

Shannen Doherty announced on Instagram that she has been undergoing radiation therapy after mets were found in her brain in January 2023.



Fuck cancer. I hope it gets cancer and dies.

celebrity social media, charmed, 1990s, 2000s, health problems, 90210, actor / actress, prayer circle

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blood_pressures June 7 2023, 12:05:25 UTC
So many people have cancer nowadays, it's insane. My great grandma and grandma both died from cancer, my aunt has it, a number of coworkers. My dad died recently from acute leukemia.


bluescluesbooze June 7 2023, 12:43:06 UTC
I lost my dad to acute myeloid leukemia. It’s a particularly awful cancer and I’m sorry you lost your dad to it too.


semalina June 7 2023, 13:50:12 UTC
maybe it's my age, but i've never known so many people with cancer. a few years ago a close friend had breast cancer (fortunately beat it and is in remission), another friend died of lung cancer, a cousin died of brain cancer which had metastasized from breast cancer, and i have another cousin who was diagnosed with lung cancer last year and it's recently spread to her brain.

every one of these people have lived a relatively healthy life, so it's not (fully at least) personal choices coming to bite them


soul_amazinn June 7 2023, 13:53:27 UTC
Yeah it’s crazy but I’ve been thankful enough that nobody in my family has been diagnosed with cancer at least to my knowledge.


bluesforgotten June 7 2023, 14:26:17 UTC
i think it feels this way for a few reasons - aging means people in your generational cohort are starting to have an increased risk of many cancers just due to age and that your parents/their friends/other older relatives are getting older too, and people are finding cancer much earlier and living through treatments due to medical advancements so it's more common to know people actively living through and battling cancer versus people getting very sick and dying quickly because the cancer was not found in time. anecdotally, there are also environmental causes in some areas. but i think in some ways its similar to the higher rates of autism - it's not more autism, but more diagnoses.


kthxrawr June 7 2023, 18:35:41 UTC
both my dad and a family friend had the same (super rare) cancer when they died and it's just so fucking unfair.


sweetwaterlane June 11 2023, 00:19:15 UTC

the rise in colon cancer is particularly alarming. I believe it's expected to be the #1 cause of death in people in their 40's and younger in the next couple years


__onthebound June 11 2023, 00:23:22 UTC
I have a high risk for it myself, my maternal grandfather died of it when my mum was 8. I am told I'll need annual colonoscopies from 40. I've already had one and it was awwwwwfuuulll! But they knock you out here, so it won't be so bad


sweetwaterlane June 11 2023, 01:52:50 UTC

Same, lots of serious IBS type diseases in my family and my great-aunt died of colon cancer around 50. I plan to start going as soon as i'm eligible, although colonoscopies do terrify me because of the risk of perforating the colon during the procedure. I like that they also have that stool sample test, though i'm sure it's less accurate than a colonoscopy. Hope they keep coming up with less invasive options so more people will go for them and so they can start testing younger people without the risk outweighing the benefits. An acquaintance of mine just passed away from stage 4 colon cancer last year at 37, and she was incredibly healthy/organic and athletic. I feel like there's got to be something in our environment causing the uptick.


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