Janelle Monáe for Rolling Stone

May 22, 2023 21:09

As a musician, writer, and actor, @JanelleMonae has parlayed their triple-threat achievements into culture-shifting, Black feminist, pro-queer stances.

Ahead of their new album next month, they're also Rolling Stone's latest cover star.

Story/Photos: https://t.co/eUQEvOXFXP pic.twitter.com/vpOhIjN5tp
- Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) May 22, 2023
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black celebrities, janelle monáe, music / musician, photo shoot

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kamikashi May 22 2023, 23:51:13 UTC
janelle is absolutely beautiful and this photoshoot isnt bad, but seems lazy to me. i think with janelle of all people they coulda gone more wild, colorful, bold, etc with this cover shoot.

her pronouns are "she/her, they/them, and “free-ass motherfucker"
while janelle lists these pronouns, i just find it a weird writing choice that the RS tweets go from using "their/they" to "she/her." i mean this as just a writing style. maybe its intentional choice to switch because janelle is also okay with switching? but it almost feels like RS used "their/they" and just forgot and defaulted to "she/her" the rest of the time lol


neev May 23 2023, 02:35:06 UTC
God the convoluted mess that is "multiple pronouns" - some people will get upset if you DON'T switch between the two. Other people just mean it as an either/or situation Others just don't care.

To be clear, this isn't a dig at people who use multiple pronoun sets, as I am one of them, but it does really make things difficult sometimes.


kamikashi May 23 2023, 05:13:40 UTC
interesting, when people get upset about not switching between the two sets is it speaking aloud or written word or both? just because for an article like this, editors are involved so the pronoun usage chosen is more intentional to me. since the standard was previously s/he and writers are more likely to forget to switch to doing they. like i now wonder if when a subject uses multiple pronoun sets have writers defaulted to s/he more often than not? i wouldnt be surprised if so tbh but thats just my feeling not based on anything.

that does remind me about demi lovato tho. im pretty sure they preferred using they, but wasnt mad if people still said she, and admitted sometimes theyd even forget and would also say she hahaha


bluesforgotten May 23 2023, 18:25:12 UTC
i don't think anything of people using multiple pronouns but it seems logical to be consistent within one document/source. i think the point of including the multiple pronouns was to make clear janelle does use both they/them and she/hers while the article chose one for consistency.


kamikashi May 23 2023, 18:40:36 UTC
I actually hadn’t read the article fully but I was expecting as a writing style choice to be consistent (less chance of confusion), but it was the tweets I was pointing out that were switching between pronouns. So that’s actually funnier to me lol. They opted for they for the first tweet and then defaulted to she for the other tweets and the article itself.


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