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mizzyoung May 13 2023, 22:19:56 UTC
I saw the tracklist and I'm disappointed the album is 32 minutes with 14 tracks ☹️

But I'd rather something from Janelle than nothing 🤷🏾


vapor May 13 2023, 22:29:07 UTC
I know, every song is so short.


vanouria May 13 2023, 23:09:11 UTC
i know its quality over quantity blah blah but I hate how short albums can be these days. by the time I'm really getting into a groove with it, it's over


mizzyoung May 13 2023, 23:14:44 UTC
I truly blame TikTok for the rise of these short ass songs. Like I want a full body of work i.e Renaissance especially since 'Dirty Computer' was 5 whole years ago.

Like I understand if Janelle just wants to have fun and drop something cute for the gays, but I hope they something else cooking in the pipeline after this album.

I thought about getting a vinyl, but what's the point if it's only about a half hour long :|


vanouria May 13 2023, 23:16:09 UTC

same - also i remember lil nas x saying his songs are short bc it ups the repeat streaming value. attention spans are so short now 🤦🏾‍♀️


ambermoons May 14 2023, 01:50:14 UTC
I get what you mean, personally a lot of the albums I've loved in the past couple years have been 10 tracks w/ 40-50min runtime, depending on the album I certainly won't mind if it reached close to an hour. It's just felt like the best experience to me. But I have also noticed that a lot of popular music has been made to be no longer than 2:30-3min and yeah it does feel like it's tailored for social media use

14 tracks in 32 minutes? That doesn't even sound right


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