Charlize Theron vows to 'f**k anybody up' who comes for LGBTQ+ people

May 10, 2023 16:04

Charlize Theron vows to 'f**k anybody up' who comes for LGBTQ+ people
- PinkNews (@PinkNews) May 9, 2023


Charlize has a trans daughter and showed her support at a 'Drag Isn’t Dangerous' fundraiser

“I’m in your corner and we’ve got you, and I will f**ck anybody up who’s trying to f**ck… with you guys ( Read more... )

lgbtq / rights, charlize theron

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peddlestools May 10 2023, 15:24:01 UTC
come to florida

I am glad she's supporting her daughter

I listened to the QAA episodes on moms for liberty recently, and it was so fucking heartbreaking to hear one of them say they would rather have a dead kid than a trans kid. that's the reality for so many trans children, and that's why desantis's push for schools to disclose kids‘ gender identity to their parents is so scary


simprov May 10 2023, 15:48:12 UTC
isn't it just revolting? honestly some parents are their child's worst bullies and its so heartbreaking.


la_petite_singe May 10 2023, 16:19:03 UTC
These kinds of ~moral panics aren't new at all, but I swear it feels like parents have never cared less about their own kids than they do today. Like, the Satanic Panic was a bunch of ignorant nonsense, but I believe that a lot of those parents truly believed D&D was making their kids worship satan or whatever. It wasn't as easy to instantly fact-check and learn other perspectives. But now it's just blatant, obvious misinformation and dumb buzzwords and strawman arguments, and these parents are not willing to learn one (1) new thing or have ANY real conversations with their kids, it's just like "ban everything and IDGAF if they suffer." It's so shockingly cold-hearted.


dianakingston May 10 2023, 19:08:37 UTC
Well... no, the Satanic Panic happened precisely because those parents were getting their information from, I don't know, fucking Jerry Falwell or some other shithead, instead of just asking their kids what was up. The only difference now is it's not just one specific scapegoat they're going after, it's pretty much everything that strays even slightly from whatever they consider normative


eva_hagberg May 10 2023, 21:29:34 UTC
What about overabundance of helicopter moms? Do you think that it's just the other side of the coin?


ginainabottle May 10 2023, 16:19:05 UTC
and it was so fucking heartbreaking to hear one of them say they would rather have a dead kid than a trans kid.

Jesus fucking Christ. So many people who have absolutely no business being parents continue to procreate, it's depressing as fuck.


breakingreality May 10 2023, 16:23:35 UTC
I cannot even fathom giving birth and then saying "I'd rather my child was dead than xyz". Even if you're conservative and need to come to terms with things you've disagreed with to that point, how could you ever think this way? Why on earth do these people insist on having children if raising, loving and supporting them is going to be conditional? Absolutely horrific. And they feel entirely too comfortable saying that in public.


sandstorm May 10 2023, 19:40:30 UTC

Because they feel it's "God's will" to have children and populate the earth or some shit, not bc they actually want to support children


eva_hagberg May 10 2023, 21:37:30 UTC
I think it's worse. I think it's because they are narcissistic beyond help, and think of children as a direct continuation of them rather than separate people, so having said faulty children dead would be something like clipping a nail to them.
I can't comprehend it though, don't get me wrong.


evilyn_1007 May 11 2023, 05:56:59 UTC
At my aunt's funeral they talked about her "radical faith". How it was one the best things about her. The lady talking said how my aunt got all the parents of the church to pledge for god to "take" their kids rather than have them stray from god. Then the lady said as all her kids are alive that means there still hope in there life. I swear people were subtly looking at my cousin, because she is a nonbeliever. The whole thing was insane.


breakingreality May 11 2023, 06:38:05 UTC
Hyper religious people are so obsessed with the concept of great sacrifice in order to demonstrate their faith. What do they gain from it? They may lose their child but at least their social standing with other religious radicals is still intact. Just... no words.


irajaxon May 10 2023, 16:53:19 UTC
i can't imagine giving birth to a kid and wanting anything other than to give them the love and support so they can go into the full human being they are.

i will never, ever understand this possessiveness over another person, the need to exert dominion over your own damn children. my god.


cleanofslate May 10 2023, 17:05:18 UTC
to be fair, many of them would also rather have a dead kid than a vaccinated kid. you can't fix stupid.


neaira May 10 2023, 17:18:46 UTC
I have a trans kid and I can't even imagine not supporting her. She's truly blossomed in the three years since she came out to me. It's amazing to watch.


tomelette May 10 2023, 17:19:10 UTC
"they would rather have a dead kid than a trans kid."

Even my super phobic mom wouldn't wish that. Like, wtf?! Do these people birth their kids accidentally or something?


poisonapple73 May 10 2023, 17:46:02 UTC
Some of them probably kept kids they didn't want, because they believe abortion is murder. So in a way, maybe. Conservative values are such a toxic way to live your life.


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