[SPOILER] talks about their ‘Beau is Afraid’ cameo

Apr 22, 2023 17:19

And this isn't even the weirdest part of the movie! https://t.co/bPJq3vynik
- Screening (@screening) April 22, 2023

A popular actor/actress has a hidden cameo in Joaquin Phoenix’s new film.

It’s Bill Hader. More specifically, it’s his voice. He plays a delivery man who discovers Beau’s mother’s headless corpse and tells Beau about it over the phone.

Hader delivered his lines over the phone to Phoenix throughout the one-take scene, trying vastly different approaches for each take. "My assistant was like, 'What the fuck are you doing?'" Hader told Deadline. "'You’re just crying and freaking out…' Because we did some takes that were really wild, really big and intense."

He continued: "I just remember feeling really exhausted and Ari coming on and going, 'Hey, man. It’s so funny, Bill.' And I was like, 'Funny? I can’t see straight. I’ve been crying.' But they just thought it was hilarious."


joaquin phoenix, guess who, actor / actress
