David Yost talks returning to Power Rangers

Apr 14, 2023 18:48

‘I could have made the same money at McDonald’s’: the Power Rangers on fame, regrets and their shock reunion | Television | The Guardian https://t.co/dGPWvZQyqk
- Simon Bennett (@Pookina1) April 14, 2023

-David Yost who plays the original Mighty Morphin Blue Power Ranger aka Billy Cranston is making his return to the franchise for it's 30th anniversary after being gone for nearly 25 of those years.

-When he first started MMPR as a young adult, the production wasnt union, they initially had no health insurance, and as Walter Jones puts it "Could have made the same money at McDonalds"

-While they finally got vouchers to help with health insurance, several of the crew talked about how unsafe it was and David himself would end up facing homophobic remarks from crew that would inevitably lead to his departure after Power Rangers Zeo.

-He attempted to do a MMPR reunion on Netflix a few years ago, pitching an 8 episode mini series that fell through due to Netflix stating that they couldn't legally do it.

-Flash-forward some years later and Netflix/Hasbro coming together helped Netflix produce Once and Always A Ranger to which they allowed David to have input into the script.

-The other major demand he had to return was ensuring that the production would be union and follow SAG rules to which Hasbro/Netflix happily obliged.

-The MMPR special airs April 19th, this upcoming Wednesday.


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anniversary / birthday, 1990s, reunion, netflix, godzilla / power rangers, actor / actress
