@Meghan_Trainor reveals she and husband
#DarylSabara are still enjoying their side-by-side toilets
https://t.co/YcHW69KfHN- ET Canada (@ETCanada)
April 9, 2023 - "My husband and I, we pee together, though. We hold hands; he sits when he pees. We hold hands while we pee. We’re like, ‘What are we doing together, baby?’ We have a calendar in there,";
- "We don’t poop together, though, because my husband can drop it like it’s hot,” Trainor explained. “Narsty farts.";
- They’d initially considered installing the toilets to face each other before settling on the current configuration.
Source This is what an empty queue can drive a person to. ONTD, what do you do while holding your partner's hand?