Star Trek: Picard 3x8

Apr 06, 2023 01:06

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3x8L Surrender
Vadic forces Picard to make an impossible choice: deliver what he can never give… or watch his crew perish. Their only salvation lies in the mind of an old friend and old foe.

More under the cut... )

behind the scenes, sir patrick stewart, wil wheaton, star trek, paramount, television promo / stills, interview

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magnetic_rose92 April 6 2023, 14:02:57 UTC
Omg I’m sick of the Jack plot! If he was a woman everyone would be calling him a Mary Sue it’s ridiculous. Like he’s a charming rogue who’s the son of two Starfleet icons, knows badass fighting moves River Tam style, has telepathy abilities and is the key to destroying the Federation as we know it? It’s giving corny fanfic.

I like everything else about the season tho. Loved the resolution of the Data/Lore conflict. I thought the conversations between Riker and Troi were really sweet.

I liked the convo between Shaw and Seven where she explained that she refused to blow the turbo lift with him in it. I think their dynamic is really interesting and I hope it gets expanded on further in a spin-off. I was surprised he was still calling her Hansen tho! I thought we got past that after ep 4 but I guess he’s doing it this episode because he’s mad she didn’t sacrifice him? Idk it was jarring. I also gasped when T’veen died. RIP to a bad bitch.


juliette666 April 6 2023, 23:54:31 UTC
Yes, I would rather get more focus on Bev being a bad-ass frontier doctor than all of this focus on her son. Also, if he was raised by her, where did his British accent come from???


magnetic_rose92 April 7 2023, 00:16:49 UTC
They explained a few eps ago that he and Bev lived in London for a while but still. I really dislike Jack so it's a shame he's such a focus on an otherwise pretty cool season. I feel like they could have done this whole terrorist changelings plot without the Jack connection but whatever.


vibeology_e April 7 2023, 01:04:52 UTC
I'm so over Jack. He's barely a character (really just a collection of sci-fi and fantasy tropes) and we have all these people ready to die for him.

Can we just move on already?


magnetic_rose92 April 7 2023, 01:42:55 UTC
I WAS SO MAAAAAAD when the bridge crew were getting picked off and Picard and Beverly were like "we can't let them have you Jack!" OMFG SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP I don't care about Jack!!! I can't believe bad bitch T'veen died for him. :'(((((

And the actor wants a Jack spin-off. Boy, bye.


beesknees7 April 7 2023, 02:10:00 UTC
Yeah, I can't fully get onboard with this season because the Jack plot is so incredibly obnoxious.

I also gasped when T’veen died. RIP to a bad bitch.

That whole scene I was like don't kill the Asian hottie, and then they took T'veen the bald baddie from us. 😩


magnetic_rose92 April 7 2023, 02:25:51 UTC
I was so scared for both the Asian hotties tbh! I think Shaw has a really interesting crew and it was sad to see any of them go. I mean, T'veen is half Vulcan/half Deltan according to interviews. That would have been a really cool thing to explore.


beesknees7 April 7 2023, 02:30:13 UTC
That is quite the combination. I just googled Deltans because I didn't remember much about them as a race, and this is the main blurb on the results page:

This usually bald species hails from Delta IV, and is known for being highly developed in the arena of sexuality. In fact, Deltans in Starfleet are required to to take an Oath of Celibacy, so that they do not take advantage of less sexually advanced species.

Now I'm even more sad, esp if they do a Titan spin-off.


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