BAFTA Says Older White Women Count As Diversity As It Defends Big Drop In TV Nominations For People

Mar 22, 2023 13:44

BAFTA Says Older White Women Count As Diversity As It Defends Big Drop In TV Nominations For People Of Color
- Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) March 22, 2023
All six nominees in the Leading Actress category are white ( Read more... )

award show - bafta, british celebrities, television - british, race / racism

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disarmingdevil March 22 2023, 14:01:01 UTC
It's great that older white women are getting to play characters other than mothers/grandmothers, however i would argue it's even harder for women of color to get roles after thirty without the award buzz/hype of a viral show. That's why Angela and Michelle getting Oscar nominations was so important to everyone and why it hurt so much when Viola was snubbed. They work for decades and only get a prestige role once in a lifetime whereas a lot of the older white women nominated have been nominated multiple times by the time they're older. And even when women of color win, they aren't guaranteed a job offer afterward. If they can get a nomination/win at a young age, it might change their entire career trajectory though.


big_ang March 22 2023, 14:08:35 UTC
viola davis should have the bank account and career meryl streep has tbh!


disarmingdevil March 22 2023, 14:22:34 UTC
I've always disliked Meryl for giving Roman Polanski a standing ovation

Viola Davis deserves the world <3


sibylblack March 22 2023, 14:28:56 UTC

I remember pretty much everyone giving Polanski a standing ovation except Christopher Walken, my king


inandoutofgrace March 23 2023, 07:34:25 UTC
Do we know for sure if it was because he was taking a stand (figuratively lol) or just lazy?


sibylblack March 23 2023, 09:17:54 UTC

I don't think we know for sure, sadly!


automaticpeople March 22 2023, 14:28:59 UTC
Wow. Lost respect for Nic Cage there.


disarmingdevil March 22 2023, 14:39:59 UTC
I've always side-eyed him for marrying three asian women in a row. Hoping it's just a coincidence and not fetishization, but definitely side-eye worthy.


colossusx March 22 2023, 14:56:52 UTC
you had respect for nic cage?


automaticpeople March 22 2023, 17:57:34 UTC
On a basic human level. Beyond that, no.


automaticpeople March 22 2023, 18:14:36 UTC
On a basic human level. Beyond that, no.


soyunatetera March 22 2023, 14:54:18 UTC

She also gave a standing ovation to Elia Kazan 😑


disarmingdevil March 22 2023, 15:12:07 UTC
As did Kathy Bates unfortunately :(


booksforlunch March 22 2023, 15:13:15 UTC
The real gross thing is Jack Nicholson clapping. The rape happened in his house.

Gross pig.


automaticpeople March 22 2023, 17:57:52 UTC
Oh wow, I didn’t even think about that.


para1 March 22 2023, 16:51:00 UTC

Three of the women are below the age of 50, once is still below 40, one was below 40 when she was cast. The fourth was the automatic nomination everyone gets who plays Liz in The Crown. Pretending that this is a win for "older women" is a travesty on top of a cop-out.


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