Star Trek: Picard 3x5

Mar 16, 2023 06:15

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3x5: Imposters
Caught by Starfleet and facing court martial, paranoia grows as Picard struggles to uncover whether a prodigal crewman from his past has returned as an ally or an enemy hellbent on destroying them all.

More under the cut... )

behind the scenes, sir patrick stewart, wil wheaton, star trek, paramount, television promo / stills, interview

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eronanke March 16 2023, 15:02:06 UTC
I find this really stupid and offensive to Trek; the whole point of the end of DS9 was to learn from each other and cohabit the universe without fear and paranoia.

When the video mentions the "some have separated from the rest" makes no sense - the Great Link creates a shared experience, species-level cohesion of thought and purpose. After the Dominion war and the plague, it would be clear to all Changelings that violence against the Solids of the Alpha Quadrant is not the way forward.

They have no thirst for conquest - the whole arc of DS9 was finding out that they felt they had no choice but to conquer to protect themselves from those who had attempted to annihilate them in the past. Why would they 'sow chaos' now?

I was really hoping that there would be something good at the end of this series, but it's clearly a wash. I'll just keep watching RLM instead of the actual show.


hereforontdonly March 16 2023, 16:26:00 UTC
"the Great Link creates a shared experience, species-level cohesion of thought and purpose." No it doesn't. Linking doesn't turn Odo into a xenophobe or a war-monger, nor does linking with Odo convince the female Founder that solids are good, actually. The changelings are individuals, not a singular organism or hive mind. The metaphor DS9 uses is intimacy; it's a level of closeness that humans can't attain or understand, but they're not the Borg or something.

Also, they end the war to get Odo back. "One changeling for the entire alpha quadrant."--they surrender BECAUSE they feel they are superior, not because they've reached some new understanding or enlightenment.


dianakingston March 16 2023, 16:46:39 UTC
I mean, the female Changeling can't answer Odo's question of how many Changelings exist, or what her name is, and she says that in the Link "a drop becomes the ocean". The suggestion certainly seems to be that they have some form of collective consciousness, at least while actively in the Link


eronanke March 17 2023, 15:37:22 UTC
>"Linking doesn't turn Odo into a xenophobe or a war-monger ( ... )


dianakingston March 16 2023, 16:47:40 UTC
Kurtzman doesn't believe in peace, compassion, people learning from each other. His universes are always cold, cynical, full of hidden agendas and things to be afraid of. There was no way this was ever going to turn out to be anything different


eronanke March 17 2023, 15:38:06 UTC
Worst thing to happen to the Franchise. No character growth, only adding more grimdark retcons.


cherrynorth March 18 2023, 04:36:19 UTC
I might like it better if it was the 100... I could buy that Laas organized them into some anti-solid action.


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