Julia Roberts originally first choice for ‘Shakespeare in Love’, quit after shitty chemistry tests

Mar 06, 2023 23:33

'It Was a Disaster': Julia Roberts Quit 'Shakespeare in Love' After Awful Chemistry Reads and Cost the Studio $6 Million, Says Producer Ed Zwick https://t.co/wA17tdQhV3
- Variety (@Variety) March 6, 2023
With mere days before the Oscars, let's look back at one of the most undeserving BP winners, 1998's ‘Shakespeare in Love ( Read more... )

award show - nominees / winners, gwyneth paltrow, british celebrities, award show - academy awards, casting / auditions, julia roberts

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donaestrangera March 7 2023, 06:00:14 UTC
the way i know so much about the drama behind this movie but i've never actually sat down and watched it lol. it doesn't really seem like anyone has sat down and watched it since 1998.


genbu_no_miko24 March 7 2023, 06:05:02 UTC
I haven't seen it in YEARS but I remember liking it. But lol it's BP win is forever overshadowed by the drama and how much everyone knows it shouldn't have won.


donaestrangera March 7 2023, 06:06:46 UTC
yeah i just think it's funny in 2023 no one ever talks about the actual movie, just the drama behind the movie! now i'll have to watch it to find out what the fuss is about.


pop_squash March 7 2023, 14:50:08 UTC
Idk. I like it. There are some good Shakespeare jokes, beautiful costumes, and nice music. Goop will forever have been miscast, but the same would have gone for Julia.


azaelers March 7 2023, 06:34:45 UTC
My mom rewatched it sometime in the 2000s to show it to me, but she may be the only one!


anachan87 March 7 2023, 07:41:31 UTC
my lit teacher in high school let the whole class borrow her VHS copy of the movie to watch it as homework before we tackled shakespeare, it was 2003 i think XD


winter_lace March 7 2023, 08:17:35 UTC
I know I watched it but not in the last 2 decades


spacemonkey_699 March 7 2023, 11:22:47 UTC
I watched it a few years back while recovering from having my wisdom teeth out, and it was a nice way to spend a couple of hours but that was about it lol. It absolutely should not have won Best Picture, especially considering the competition that year.


melancolour March 7 2023, 11:35:56 UTC
It was terrible


januarysix March 7 2023, 14:40:41 UTC
I've never seen it either.


malorn March 7 2023, 15:21:39 UTC
once was enough


theactualworst March 7 2023, 16:16:25 UTC
I remember it was cute enough but how it won best picture is beyond me lol.


deeohaytch March 7 2023, 21:15:49 UTC

I watched it during quarantine since I hadn't seen it since I was like 10 and I thought it held up? But I also like goop as an actress so


pseudonygma March 7 2023, 21:41:08 UTC
I loved it when I was in high school and rewatched it so many times. I liked it even more than Romeo+Juliet, lol. Haven't seen it again in ages but I rewatched R+J recently and gained a newfound appreciation for it; I still think it has pacing issues but the art direction for the entire film has so much personality, and that gas station scene is camp perfection.


strangelittlex March 8 2023, 03:39:24 UTC
I remember renting it from Blockbuster and falling asleep twice (two separate attempts that weekend) lol


malorn March 8 2023, 14:52:27 UTC
Goop must be human melatonin. I remember falling asleep minutes into watching Emma when it came out and this is a one-time-only event for me. I'm thinking there's usually a lot of yawning when she's on screen though.


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