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shahrazade_bard February 18 2023, 01:30:50 UTC
I don't know, man. I really enjoyed the books, and I suppose everyone is going to come for me for this, but Alina and Mal both bore me to tears and the Sturmhond casting is super underwhelming (and I loved him so much in the books). And least I can take comfort in the fact that Inej, Jesper, Nina, and Matthias are perfect. I'm definitely still going to watch. /shrug

Also, are they doing Siege and Storm AND Ruin and Rising in one season? Because I feel like I saw hints of book 3 here.


tobesurrounded February 18 2023, 01:36:04 UTC
Alina really is such a typical bland late 00s/early 10s YA heroine lol

and yeah, they said that they're doing a bit of R&R in season 2.


shahrazade_bard February 18 2023, 01:40:38 UTC
Alina really is such a typical bland late 00s/early 10s YA heroine lol

Accurate. Hardcore Bella Swan vibes there lol.

and yeah, they said that they're doing a bit of R&R in season 2.

Thanks! That's probably a good idea on their part tbh, especially remembering the note S&S ends on, it just feels smarter to push past that.

Also, is your icon Erik Karlsson?


tobesurrounded February 18 2023, 01:45:34 UTC

Also, is your icon Erik Karlsson?

yes it is!

... )


shahrazade_bard February 18 2023, 01:52:16 UTC
Aw, I love him! It makes me happy when I find other hockey fans on ONTD. I really miss ONTD_hockey.


artemis_a23 February 18 2023, 01:40:39 UTC
Nobody is going to come for you because it's a popular opinion, I think, at least on ONTD. They are both so boring, and the actress does not help at all.


shahrazade_bard February 18 2023, 01:48:57 UTC
Nobody is going to come for you because it's a popular opinion, I think, at least on ONTD.

Oh yeah? I feel like I see a lot of people get really precious about it when Alina+Mal are criticized, but that's over the whole of the internet (and I guess on Twitter specifically), and not ONTD-specific.

And yeah, ia, Jessie Mei Li doesn't help at all with Alina's general blandness.


punkylana February 18 2023, 01:54:08 UTC
mmm i love them. tbh i don't have a problem w any character or actor, i like them all (i don't like the darkling but he's evil, he does the job)


just444 February 18 2023, 01:43:20 UTC
Sturmhond really isn't hot enough


shahrazade_bard February 18 2023, 01:50:53 UTC
Lol yep, that's it in a nutshell! Plus I feel like he needs to have this playful, mischievous/cunning air about him, and based on other things I've seen him in, that actor ain't it.


bellwetherr February 18 2023, 02:43:06 UTC
i really wanted daniel sharman


shahrazade_bard February 18 2023, 02:46:58 UTC
Huh. You know, I'd never considered him before, but now that you mention it, he'd have been a pretty good fit! (I, on the other hand, wanted Andrew Garfield, but like from a decade ago, so short of a time machine or a deepfake, that ain't happening lmao.)


bellwetherr February 18 2023, 02:49:01 UTC
lmao well i was trying to be realistic!!


shahrazade_bard February 18 2023, 02:53:56 UTC
Listen, there's no controlling my mental casting director. She picks 'em and I'm just along for the ride lol.


bellwetherr February 18 2023, 03:44:50 UTC
lmao i feel you


vandthemoon February 18 2023, 03:43:53 UTC
Ooooh I didn’t think of him but I think he’d have been great! He has chemistry with everyone.


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