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tobesurrounded February 18 2023, 01:20:21 UTC

i'm pleasantly surprised by the trailer, it looks fun. some corny stuff but that's to be expected. i would like for the crows to be the main focus of the season but i know they probably won't be.

Nikolai is a letdown though, maybe the actor will surprise me but i'm not impressed with that casting.

and maybe i have blocked the events of S&S from my mind because i don't remember Mal and Alina having sex? i hope it won't be a "Alina thinks she's with Mal but it turns out it's the Darkling and he's messing with her mind" because that would be gross.


buries February 18 2023, 01:27:49 UTC
I was so disappointed by how little the Crows are featured in this trailer! I don't watch for the other side of this universe!


tobesurrounded February 18 2023, 01:33:01 UTC
ikr they're by far the best part of the show and those books are so much better than the S&B trilogy. i'm kinda hoping we get a Crows spinoff show after this season though, unless netflix decides to cancel the show altogether.


buries February 18 2023, 01:35:21 UTC

But I agree. I've reread Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom and they are so enjoyable. I'm reading Shadow and Bone for the first time and I'm so bored. The plot's great and Zoya and Genya are the best, but the way it's told puts me to sleep. Alina is not interesting. 8(


tobesurrounded February 18 2023, 01:40:52 UTC
lol i'm sorry! it IS netflix we're talking about so i'm just preparing myself for the inevitable.

alina gets a little bit more interesting by the end of the first book, but yeah ... she's not fun.


gettyupcowboy February 18 2023, 13:44:47 UTC
Alina is the entire worse and truly she becomes even more insufferable in the second book than the first. I can’t believe they decided to make Shadow and Bone first when Six of Crows is superior book.


buries February 18 2023, 21:31:59 UTC
She's so DULL. I'm really over her "I don't know how to call my power" and "I'm uber powerful" and "The Darkling". Let me follow Zoya and Genya; they're 1000% more intriguing! The writing style is also really fucking bland. SoC had more heart and character to it.


dull_and_wicked February 18 2023, 02:28:14 UTC
the poster for this season has the amplifiers from books 2 and 3 in them, so all signs point to this season being it for the alina story. fingers crossed we get six of crows next


tobesurrounded February 18 2023, 02:31:18 UTC
i would love for them to wrap up her story but i think she'll be in at least one more season unfortunately. but maybe next season will be focused more on the crows and a lot less on alina.


vandthemoon February 18 2023, 03:41:00 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]I don’t think they have sex until near the end of the 3rd book?

The trailer was so dark I couldn’t even tell who it was 😆


tobesurrounded February 18 2023, 10:55:36 UTC
ooh that's right. hmm. i know the writers said that they will have some things from R&R in season 2 though so maybe that's one of those things!

people on twitter brightened the scene and apparently it is Mal and Alina.


miwa201 February 18 2023, 12:45:05 UTC
apparently you're right that it's the darkling pretending to be mal and ofc darklina shippers are celebrating even though that's sexual assault


tobesurrounded February 18 2023, 13:48:51 UTC
yeah it looks like it could be since apparently something similar happens in the book, but i really hope they changed it and it's just Mal and Alina. neither the showrunners nor the author seem like they care about darklina, so ....


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