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automaticpeople February 11 2023, 12:10:52 UTC
Weird coincidence. I just put on episode 1 of the new series. I’m laughing at:

[spoiler for ep1]Joe killing that dickhead in an absinthe induced blackout.

Oh it actually wasn’t Joe who did it! Now he’s being stalked and framed. Interesting.


maxvandenburg February 11 2023, 12:12:20 UTC
I'm only 3 eps into the 5 that are out so I'm gonna bow out of this post before I get spoiled, but I'm really into it. I love the way this show reinvents itself every season and I'm here for Joe getting Joe'd.

I'm also embarrassingly into the whole bearded look on Penn


xellabelle February 11 2023, 12:19:41 UTC
Penn is so hot to me lol. Idk he’s like the right amount of confident and self-assured but also slightly awkward, nerdy and humble. Plus he has that mysterious Scorpio energy, sings really well and is a dog lover. Ughhh.


ishi_chan February 11 2023, 14:54:09 UTC
He looks like Michael sheen to me with the beard lol


maxvandenburg February 11 2023, 16:21:58 UTC
Don't say that omg


xellabelle February 11 2023, 12:13:46 UTC
You know you’re getting old when I saw Joe’s London flat in Notting Hill and I said to myself there’s no way in hell he’d be able to afford that on an English professor’s salary


automaticpeople February 11 2023, 12:16:30 UTC
[ep1]I’m watching episode 1 now and it sounds like Joe emptied our Love’s bank account and didn’t she come from a rich family?


millenian February 11 2023, 17:22:21 UTC
Ya but Joe had to give that money away to the hitman, that love's father hired to track him down and kill him, in exchange for him letting Joe live. Frankly it makes no sense why the hitman let Joe live if he was tired of killing in general like he said but then asks Joe to kill Marriane in the next ep. If it was for joes money then Joe should be broke. Way too many plotholes


caramelaffair February 11 2023, 18:21:19 UTC
Yeah all of that made absolutely zero sense to me.


xellabelle February 11 2023, 12:17:05 UTC
Also, I don’t care that much but none of those actors or characters can pass for British aristocrats. Their accents aren’t right at all, it all looks a bit tacky and the dialogue is too in your face. It’s 100% written and conceived by Americans lol


asnindie February 11 2023, 12:36:11 UTC
Yep. It's kinda cartoony how ridiculous the characters are.


goldenhera February 11 2023, 13:34:39 UTC

Isn't that the whole point with this show? I feel like all the characters have been absurd and/or cartoonish since season one.


xellabelle February 11 2023, 13:59:29 UTC
But they’re absurd and cartoonish in the wrong way this season. The way they look and speak and the dialogue, it’s definitely not British upper class which they’re all supposed to be.


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automaticpeople February 11 2023, 12:23:51 UTC
It reminds me a bit of Dexter tbh. The voiceover and the dark humour is very Dexter like. I suppose if that’s your thing, maybe give it a go?


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automaticpeople February 11 2023, 12:33:30 UTC
It’s basically a show about a guy who thinks he’s a modern, open-minded, feminist type of guy, but he’s a judgemental, creepy, obsessive stalker/killer, who needs serious therapy. I can understand why some wouldn’t like that, but I think it’s a good show and Penn is really good in it.

That’s just a summary of the premise btw, not a big spoiler lol.


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