Madonna's daughter denied entry to Marc Jacobs show for being late

Feb 02, 2023 21:31

Lourdes arrived late at the Marc Jacobs show and wasn’t allowed in! Not the paparazzi chanting ‘Let her in!’ I’m screaming! 😭😭😭 #madonna
- Just give me a fan (@justgivemeafan) February 3, 2023
Lourdes Leon stayed outside while the Marc Jacobs fashion show was taking place ( Read more... )

fashion, celebrity children / siblings, madonna

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peachypearl February 3 2023, 15:59:12 UTC
Love that.

There are two things I cannot stand; People who are always late (Without a decent reason) and people who INTERRUPT constantly. The latter is worse to me, I will commit crime on them.


theylezharold February 3 2023, 16:01:46 UTC
Lateness is so rude. I mean, Russians/Eastern Europeans are late to parties to make the host at ease, but late to meet someone? Rude.


peachypearl February 3 2023, 16:06:33 UTC
Yes there is some variety in the expectations. A birthday party? I will arrive about half an hour after the time on the invite because I don't want to be the VERY first and it's more of a 'arrival from' prompt. A dinner party? I will arrive exactly on time, maybe even earlier.

Meeting a friend??? I am 10 minutes early. I have a lot of friends that see a clock only as a mild suggestion and it's baffling to me lol


theylezharold February 3 2023, 16:14:48 UTC
Fully agree! I had a friend who I dumped for myriad reasons but a huge one was she was so self-obsessed that she had no respect for my time. She's lkke "In LatAm, people are always late."

I'm like, you're a white rich bitch from France! You've never even been near Latin America!


green_monsterx February 3 2023, 18:14:18 UTC
lol i have friends like that too and it drives me fucking bananas! one of my friends, i tell her we're meeting at 3 and then i wont even leave my house til 3, and usually still beat her there


skeetertuskin February 3 2023, 16:55:39 UTC
"Russians/Eastern Europeans are late to parties to make the host at ease"

what? i'm eastern european and i've never heard of this.


unintentionalty February 3 2023, 20:43:14 UTC
Me neither although my main reference is my parents. I think they'll show up 10 min late to a dinner party in case the hosts need a little more time, and never early even if it's family because that's considered rude (?). But they're super punctual otherwise.


skeetertuskin February 4 2023, 13:04:16 UTC
i mean if i need more time i will tell guests to come a little late but it's not a given courtesy that guests should arrive at say 8pm if i've invited them at 7. in fact, punctuality is very crucial and being late to an invitation is considered rude, at least, where i come from. can't speak for the entire eastern european culture.


theylezharold February 3 2023, 20:48:30 UTC
Maybe it's just russian and ukranian specific? But it's def how I was raised there. Perhaps it's the older generation's rules?


smilla_sini February 4 2023, 06:16:11 UTC
I'm Russian and never heard about this.


skeetertuskin February 4 2023, 13:07:27 UTC
"Perhaps it's the older generation's rules?"

it is not. i've been to plenty of my parents' and grandparents' gatherings and celebrations to know that guests always arrived when they were told to arrive.


theactualworst February 3 2023, 16:09:14 UTC
Yeah I think being late is so fucking rude. Five minutes is one thing but I’ve known people who like make it part of their personality that they’re late all the time. Just say what you really are, selfish!


hazypink February 3 2023, 16:18:03 UTC
Yeah 5 min late is totally fine, anything can happen to make someone a few min late. But when it’s 20+ minutes multiple times? Fuck that!


xtinkerbellax February 3 2023, 16:18:43 UTC
Now I'm seeing people online blame their lateness on certain disorders they have but I rarely see them talk about learning ways to work around that, they seem to think people should just accept it has part of their diagnosis.


sandstorm February 3 2023, 17:30:11 UTC

Yeah, there was someone here who mentioned that they're late, but they work on being better, which is fair, but unless you've told the other person (Not a lot of info, just "Hey, I may run a touch late at points") it's just flighty. Attempt to be punctual, no one is paid to wait on you.


tucker February 3 2023, 17:58:05 UTC
I hate people who think “let’s meet at 5pm” as “I’ll start getting ready to leave at 5pm”

I remember being parked outside of a restaurant right on time and I get texts from both of my friends being like “leaving now! Be there in 30”


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