Taylor Lautner Regrets Not Stopping Taylor Swift's Infamous VMAs Moment with Kanye West

Feb 02, 2023 11:47

"I’m actually caught like laughing, giggling," said Lautner, adding he remembered thinking, "‘I can’t hear them, but this is probably really funny right now.'" https://t.co/DzfGVHSyp9
- TooFab (@TooFab) February 2, 2023

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taylor lautner, taylor swift, kanye west

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angela_arden February 2 2023, 12:25:45 UTC
It got so bad the president even commented on it i think


queenursula February 2 2023, 12:57:05 UTC
To be fair that was an off the cuff moment while he was being prepared.

Although Kanye is such a narcissist he was still upset almost ten years later that Obama never apologized. Knowing Kanye that’s probably one of the reasons why he went to Trump.



angela_arden February 2 2023, 13:06:41 UTC
I still don't know what he was thinking. Like you can rant all you want about how Beyonce should have won instead but he should have done it like....in the press or interviews or something.


anachan87 February 2 2023, 13:16:39 UTC
i've been saying all this time that at least at the VMAs, he was talking about someone else. But months prior to the VMAs he pulled the same shit at the EMAs, except that time around he claimed HE was the one who should have gotten the award.


tomelette February 2 2023, 13:09:09 UTC
His face after he said, "He's a jackass." Then he did the "cut" sign with his hand. LMAO


deja_vu822 February 2 2023, 14:55:39 UTC
kanye was already a villain kind of but i think this is truly his villain origin story. he never let it go and i agree, i'm not unconvinced his bitterness about the first black president (whom up until that point he'd idolized) publicly calling him out didn't at least partially play into his MAGA turn/run for president.

i mean, the whole situation really turned him into "oh you're gonna say i'm awful? then i'm going to be the worst thing you've ever seen" but the obama part ESPECIALLY.


you_hermit_crab February 2 2023, 17:09:49 UTC
Well then.... thanks, Obama!


pinstripe_bindi February 2 2023, 15:03:38 UTC

Why does every narcissistic asshole that Obama ever mildly insulted decide running for President is the best revenge


jadedsapphire27 February 3 2023, 12:18:27 UTC
Thanks Obama


arellaj February 2 2023, 16:16:58 UTC
Didn't Obama also comment on that one festival performance Jessica Simpson did wearing unflattering jeans and the internet freaked out over her body?


ari_angelique February 2 2023, 21:02:23 UTC
I don't remember what he said but I hope it wasn't bad. I thought Jessica looked hot in her "mom" jeans or whatever people were calling it.


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