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war_machine_rox December 28 2022, 14:35:02 UTC
I went thru all the emotions at the end of it lol ending on

Thinking on it I really liked where it went and think it fits. I never read the original or anything so I can't compare but it was good. My fave scene by far is them teaming up against King of Spades. That was dope and intense.

Tho the pacing felt off this season. some scenes moved really slow and others went by so fast. I wish we saw more of the face card games and spent more time with the new characters/old ones who reappeared. I'm rewatching season 1 to compare the flow. Tho I'm stuck on episode 3 because...well. If you know you know.


asnindie December 28 2022, 14:41:10 UTC
The Pace in S1 dropped after they got to the Beach imo. This series had better pace overall but they sprinkled too many monologues throughout. Esp in the Queen of Spades game. Which imo hurt the pacing. Jack of Hearts had none of that and was probably the best game in the show.


ninasafiri December 28 2022, 16:00:28 UTC
I liked this season a lot and I think the ending was solid. But I also totally wish we had gotten more time with the other games and more Ann and Kuina time!


hyperpop December 30 2022, 12:06:53 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]I wanna know what that king of hearts maze shit was!! And Kuina/Ann as a team deserved more time. I also wish they hadn’t split up the cast so much (I assume bc of Covid?) but they stuck the landing enough for me to forgive anything. I loved it 😭


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