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likeiused2 December 26 2022, 15:53:04 UTC
let me go to bat for my dad and say he was at every gymnastics meet, every soccer game, every dance, piano, and flute recital, every pep rally and game I cheered, and was the most supportive dad in the world. that stuff absolutely mattered to me and the other kids whose dads weren't there who would say so when theirs didn't show. I knew how lucky I was to have that, and how lucky he was to have a job that allowed it (after the markets closed he could work late or come early to make up any time he took to come).
these spread the seed mother fuckers can kiss my ass. it is not the responsibility of women to raise the children alone.


potter_lover456 December 26 2022, 16:18:32 UTC
I don't have a lot of memories from when I was young, but I do have a strong memory of scanning the crowd at a kindergarten recital and the sinking feeling I had when I didn't see my dad next to my mom. And the soaring feeling when I saw him in the back proudly watching me (iirc his work ran just slightly over and he got in just as it started and he didn't want to make a scene trying to get to my mom.)

And this isn't to devalue my mom. I would have been upset if she had missed it, too, but that doesn't mean dad's don't matter to their kids.


likeiused2 December 26 2022, 16:28:41 UTC
i'm glad you have that memory, and I understand in regards to your mom--you knew she'd be there because of course she was there. I had a mom like that. we don't get along now, but she was my biggest cheerleader when I was a kid.


potter_lover456 December 26 2022, 17:31:29 UTC
I'm sorry you don't have the relationship now, but I'm glad you had it then. It's so important then you're a child to feel loved and supported.


desbunda December 27 2022, 16:28:18 UTC
Like the other posters, im so glad you had that experience. My dad was pretty absent and it did hurt never seeing him at these events.


potter_lover456 December 27 2022, 17:52:40 UTC
It breaks my heart you didn't have it growing up. I hope you have that type of support in your life now or, if you don't, that it comes swiftly. You're never too old to feel loved and supported.


itsme_eloise December 26 2022, 17:00:43 UTC
my dad was the same, and it didn't make a difference whether it was academic or athletic, or more traditionally ~girly and artistic like theater or cheering at a pep rally. it all mattered the same.


likeiused2 December 29 2022, 04:10:38 UTC
I just wasn't smart I guess lmao we didn't have academic events I was invited to except like being inducted into beta/jr beta (which I was, and he was there, so you're right).


my_moloko December 26 2022, 17:07:51 UTC
I'm so glad you got to have that experience.


weighty_ghost December 26 2022, 18:39:57 UTC
i did a lot of backstage work in theatres/drama class while in high school (loved doing theatre, too self conscious and shy to be on stage) and my dad came to every show and also recorded it, including the times where the lights were out because thats when i was on stage.

when my brother told my SIL that, she cried


nigelwitthebrie December 27 2022, 01:50:59 UTC
Omg I am crying right now 😭😢🥺your father was everything that I ever wished with my father 🥹

Your SIL needs a hug lol 🥰


staygoldpnyboy December 26 2022, 21:27:45 UTC
Hug him for me. We need more of him.


likeiused2 December 29 2022, 04:12:06 UTC
I would but my mother picked a 10 year old fight with me so now I won't be seeing them for christmas as she is a flaming narcissist who is always right.


staygoldpnyboy December 29 2022, 04:15:01 UTC
Oof. I am so sorry. May the silence bring some peace.


slaygalthessily December 26 2022, 22:21:13 UTC
My dad was the same. He had a full time job, a side job and still made time to show up to recitals and school functions. He even coached my and my sister’s (each of us separately) city league softball and basketball teams. He was always there when we needed him to be and when he could. Those moments ABSOLUTELY mean something to a kid. I know in some cases, it’s not that easy to be there everytime, but showing up from time to time makes a huge difference.


couldvelovedyou December 27 2022, 08:06:46 UTC

My dad was the same and also changed diapers and still cooks and cleans today, and let me just add that he is a strong man and an excellent man and a great example also. My brother has grown up to be a man like that and thank god!


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