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xtinkerbellax December 26 2022, 15:48:40 UTC
If you have the time to show love? Yikes.

And don't get me started on the need to conquer the world, I honestly can't stand men with that goal at this point in my life, it ends up completely eclipsing being a good person in my experience.


pi_lady December 26 2022, 16:13:12 UTC
He's also full of shit, he's not conquering anything, he's a fraud.



cassismagic December 26 2022, 16:15:33 UTC
my_moloko December 26 2022, 17:22:00 UTC
I don't get that at all! I also notice it on dating shows, especially Love Is Blind, all this talk about "Let's conquer the world together" and people specifically stating they want to be in a power couple like...wtf is all that? It's weird and gross and seems like yet another sad consequence of people mistaking capitalism for genuine goals.


cassismagic December 26 2022, 17:24:39 UTC
progression December 26 2022, 17:47:29 UTC
Oooh that last sentence. SO many people do this. It’s all about that stamp and being seen - and, for many influencers, it’s also a business. None of these people take the time to learn from the various cultures they’re visiting. If anything, it inflates their already giant egos and somehow makes them even dumber.


cassismagic December 26 2022, 19:29:28 UTC
progression December 26 2022, 21:14:38 UTC
Lol omg I have not seen anyone brag about that.. yet! My friends who do travel for work always complain about how they rarely ever have time to actually see the city they’re in. So people bragging about that is so bizarre to me.

I really don’t like traveling for work.. so much so that I turned down a promotion for a position that required tons of travel between NA and Asia. I’d be exhausted 24/7 instead of my usual 23/7, so that was no go.🤣


cassismagic December 26 2022, 22:44:16 UTC
ultraamaniac December 27 2022, 02:39:12 UTC
I have a friend who’s husband just quit Google cause they were making him travel from Vietnam and back monthly. Not good, especially when you have 2 little ones.


cassismagic December 28 2022, 04:34:41 UTC
narnia207 December 26 2022, 22:16:33 UTC
It's all about making that statement "I worked at my computer for all of 2 hours this month and I can afford to travel first class to this random exotic country! You work your ass off 8 hours everyday and can never hope to do that!!"


halevy December 27 2022, 05:48:23 UTC
A white coworker of mine went to Vietnam for a while years ago and he. Always. Brings. It. Up. Like he cannot shut up about travelling to Vietnam.

He can't name a single custom or anything. He just talks about Vietnam having shady markets, the food being cheap and "it's beautiful!" Like... cool? You basically lived there. Why can't you share something else about it that you learned? His whole lense of the country is truly from a white perspective and he can't think about anything other than "these Asians sure act different from us".


narnia207 December 26 2022, 22:12:47 UTC
YES!!! It's almost impossible to find someone without this, between that and the photo/video of them doing deadlifts in the gym its like damn, just date each other! It almost gaslights me into thinking "is this actually a huge turn on and i just can't appreciate it?"


cassismagic December 26 2022, 22:27:37 UTC
halevy December 27 2022, 05:55:31 UTC
I always feel so awkward when travelling comes up in any conversation. We did this map game at work where we had to put where we travelled, lived, vacationed, etc. and I literally put I vacationed in Toronto and Niagara Falls, and have travelled to Victoria for work. Everyone else had a million little dots on the maps and they were like, "Hey x, did you finish filling yours out?"

It always feels like a way of flaunting your financial privilege and even time you have to be able to just travel all the time. I never never vacationed anywhere I'd like to due to money, time or not working jobs that grant me the freedom. But instead I've been judged by so many for essentially not being cultured as I've never really been outside Canada. (As a baby and very small toddler I have been to Orlando and Vermont, but I do not recall these. Vermont was just for my parents to holiday shop as we used to live in Montreal, so we didn't... vacation there or anything.)


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